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Learn the story of Colonial Willliamsburg's restoration - from country town to colonial capital.

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That the Future May Learn from the Past

John D. Rockefeller Jr., a founder of Colonial Williamsburg

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation operates the world’s largest living history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia—the restored 18th-century capital of Britain’s largest, wealthiest, and most populous outpost of empire in the New World. Here we interpret the origins of the idea of America, conceived decades before the American Revolution. The Colonial Williamsburg story of a revolutionary city tells how diverse peoples, having different and sometimes conflicting ambitions, evolved into a society that valued liberty and equality. Americans cherish these values as a birthright, even when their promise remains unfulfilled.

In Colonial Williamsburg’s 301-acre Historic Area stand hundreds of restored, reconstructed, and historically furnished buildings. Costumed interpreters tell the stories of the men and women of the 18th-century city—black, white, and native American, slave, indentured, and free—and the challenges they faced. In this historic place, we help the future learn from the past.

Colonial Williamsburg strives to conduct its activities in accordance with the highest ethical standards to assure accountability, informed decision-making, and policies that are consistent with the institution’s mission statement and public service responsibility. This is articulated in the Foundation’s and is supported by numerous policies and standards. Dowload our Code of Ethics