ENT 5051, Scientific Illustration of Insects

Fall Semester 2008

Instructor: Dr. Ralph W. Holzenthal

Email: holze001@umn.edu

Teaching Assistant: Haude Levesque

Course description

Schedule Fall 2008

Gallery of student work from 2002 and 2004 course offerings and NEW 2006 student gallery. These images represent original work handed in as course assignments. Traditional media (pen & ink, pencil, watercolor, etc.) as well as computer illustrations (Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop) are represented. Note that Adobe Photoshop illustrations represent original artwork and are not modified photographs! Enjoy!

Gallery of Adobe Illustrator "gradient mesh" images prepared for an Interactive Key to the Aquatic Insect Orders of North America. Images by R.W. Holzenthal.

To access weekly course handouts and lectures, click on the links below.

Resources for week 1, September 2 & 4: Introduction

Resources for week 2, September 9 & 11: Studio basics and the pencil sketch

Resources for week 3, September 16 & 18: Sketching

Resources for week 4, September 23 & 25: Perspective, light and form

Resources for weeks 5 & 6, September 30, October 2, 7 & 9: Line and ink techniques

Resources for week 7, October 14 & 16: Stippling, scratch board, coquille board, carbon dust

Resources for week 8, October 21 & 23: Adobe Illustrator

Resources for weeks 9 & 10, October 28 & 30, November 4 & 6: Adobe Illustrator

Resources for weeks 11 & 12, November 11, 13, 18, & 20: Adobe Photoshop

Resources for week 13, November 25: Photoshop selections (November 27, Thanksgiving, no class)

Resources for week 14, December 2 & 4: Photoshop brushes & blend modes

Resources for week 15, December 9: Publishing; file types