Valued Support for the Grower

 Package I: Grower Training Workshop  


Two Day Grower Training Workshop (for 2 participants)  
Grower's Workbook & Reference Guide  
Package Cost $595.00



A comprehensive Growers Manual is available at additional cost. This package does not include any continuing technical service or phone consultation.

Package II: Grower Training Workshop and Technical Service Package

This package offers you the most complete service program available in the hydroponic industry. You'll receive all the following for less than half the retail price when purchased separately.

Two Day Grower Training Workshop (for 2 participants) $595.00
Comprehensive Grower Training Manual 495.00
Training Workshop on DVD 595.00
Advanced Cultural Practices DVD, #1 99.95
Advanced Cultural Practices DVD, #2 99.95
NFT Lettuce Production, DVD 99.95
One Year Technical Support (includes interpretation of water and leaf analysis, custom fertilizer design) 1,500.00
Retail Value if purchased separately 3584.80
Package Cost $1,795.00

CropKing's complete Grower's Manual
This valuable text provides the basis for ongoing instruction and is an indispensable guide for grower reference once operation of the greenhouse begins. The Grower's Manual contains the day to day "how to's" of running a greenhouse and hydroponic system and is complete with text, guidelines, checklists, diagrams, and methods for growing profitably. This manual alone is worth the price of the Workshop!
Price $495.00

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