- Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about hydroponic greenhouse vegetable production...

How much money can I make with hydroponics?

A) That depends on the size greenhouse you start with, the crop you grow, and a number of other factors. Our smallest commercial tomato production unit (30' x 128'), can generate $25,000 to $30,000 in gross revenue, from which your operating expenses are deducted.

  A 1/4 acre, multi-bay gutter connect unit, 88' x 128', can bring in from $80,000 to over $100,000, before expenses.

  We can provide you with a Cash Flow Worksheet to allow you to figure profitability based on your set of circumstances. Be sure to call us and request this form.

What crop do I start with?

A) Over 90% of all new growers start with tomatoes because they are the most easily marketed of all hydroponic crops and have the greatest consumer demand.

  We recommend that growers begin with tomatoes, and then consider adding more greenhouses for other crops once you have your marets established and once you are ready to expand.

Where do I market my tomatoes?

A) Most growers market direct to grocery stores and supermarkets in their own area, usually within a 25-mile radius of their greenhouse.

  Local grocery stores are generally the best markets because they place value on excellent quality and good service. In addition, they like to purchase products that come from local sources.

Will the market ever become saturated?

A) Probably not in our lifetime! With over 95% of tomatoes consumed in the US coming from Mexico, Florida, and California, and due to their poor quality, the market is huge for a tomato that really tastes like a tomato!

  If you are in a market area with a population of 100,000 within 50 miles, it would take 9 bays of our 22' x 128' greenhouse to supply only 10% of the market!

Do I have to buy your greenhouse and growing system?

A) No, you don't have to, but it will save you a lot of money, time, and headaches if you do! Greenhouse vegetable production must be done right to be profitable.

  Our greenhouse package is competitively priced, and with the added value we provide with each package through our services, you are assured of getting the most for your money!

How do I finance the greenhouse?

A) Most growers finance through their local bank, where they have their home mortgaged. A home equity loan is the most popular, and the easiest type of loan to get for starting a small business.

  Others have been successful with leasing, and we can provide you with names of leasing companies who have financed our greenhouses.

  If you are seeking financing, you may want to consider having us prepare a professional Business Plan for you. While there is a nominal fee of $250 for this service, it can dramatically increase your chances of securing financing. And, if you do purchase the greenhouse we'll credit the fee towards the purchase!

How will I learn to grow hydroponically?

A) CropKing provides a wealth of Information and training to help you succeed in hydroponic vegetable production. Our Grower Training Workshop, Workshop on Video, Grower's Manual, Newsletters, Annual Hydroponic Grower Conference, and on-going consultation are all designed to give you the information you need to be successful.

What is my next step?

A) Just give us a call or email us, and let us know what your area of interest is.

  There is a great deal more information available that we'd like to send you if you desire. Please tell us what information you want, and we will be happy to send it right away. Thank you for you interest, and we hope to hear from you soon!