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National Research Center for Coal & Energy
P.O. Box 6064
Evansdale Drive
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506
ph 304/293-2867
fax 304/293-3749
NRCCE Enquiries


The Appalachian Oil and Natural Gas Research Consortium

Director: Doug Patchen

AONGRC research is dedicated to the immediate and long range needs of the petroleum industry in the Appalachian region. The consortium includes the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, the Kentucky Geological Survey, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Topographical and Geological Survey, and the Ohio Geological Survey.

AONGRC programs enhance oil & gas production from marginal fields, develop new sources of shallow gas, develop deeper sources of natural gas, and map & expand our energy infrastructure.

Center for Advanced Separations Technologies

Director: Richard Bajura
WVU liaison: Frank Saus

Established in 2001 under the Department of Energy, CAST was created to conduct fundamental research in advanced separation technologies. It is active in developing technologies for recovery of minerals from spoils and providing technologies that permit economic recovery of materials that are being lost as waste or are already disposed of in waste impoundments.

The U.S. is the largest mining country in the world and CAST is active in keeping mining economically viable. Through new separation technologies CAST will create additional jobs in existing coal cleaning operations and create new industries for the recovery of fines from abandoned impoundments. Additionally, the reduction or elimination of earthen water impoundments plus the recovery of additional coal fines will have a beneficial environmental and economic impact.

Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science

WVU liaison: Richard Bajura

Established in 1986 and headquartered at the University of Kentucky, the CFFS includes scientists at WVU, Auburn University, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Utah.

The CFFS currently focuses on C1 chemistry for the production of hydrogen fuels and transportation liquids from natural gas and synthesis gas produced from coal, biomass or waste. Using state of the art technologies, WVU researchers seek new catalysts and an understanding of chemical reaction processes in the production of premium-grade liquid fuels and hydrogen from coal and natural gas.

Industries of the Future—West Virginia

Director: Carl Irwin

IOF-WV is an award-winning program that teams West Virginia's traditional industries with research expertise at WVU and national laboratories to increase energy efficiency, reduce waste, and improve productivity in America's most energy intensive industries. It is dedicated to serving the chemicals & polymers, wood & forest products, aluminum, steel, glass, metal casting, and mining industries. Modeled on the U.S. Department of Energy's Industries of the Future program, IOF-WV is the nation's first state-level IOF program and a model for the nation in developing state-level industrial technology partnerships.

IOF-WV advances innovations through a wide partnership program with national companies. It targets energy savings, increased productivity, and significant environmental improvements.

National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium

Executive Director: Al Ebron

The National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) is the only nationwide training organization dedicated to improving air quality and decreasing U.S. dependence on foreign oil by promoting, supporting, and expanding the use of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles. It develops and disseminates curricula for in-service and pre-service auto technicians, fleet managers, automotive trainers, and others in the AFV field. Presently consisting of 25 National Training Centers, the organization provides Training with Impact through its experienced instructors and real-world shop facilities. The NAFTC produces the nation's largest non-profit consumer education program, National AFV Day Odyssey, designed to create public awareness and enthusiasm for alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles.

The National Environmental Services Center

Director: Gerald Iwan

NESC Programs

The National Environmental Services Center (NESC) helps small communities in drinking water, wastewater, environmental training, solid waste, infrastructure security, and utility management. NESC provides technical assistance, training sessions, and educational materials through its Web site, publications, and onsite demonstration projects.

Through cooperation with government officials, individuals, water treatment professionals, assistance organizations, and engineers, NESC helps solve water problems in West Virginia and nationwide. From best utility management practices to water infrastructure security, NESC leads in helping small communities with their environmental infrastructure needs.

Petroleum Technology Transfer Council Resource Center for the Appalachian Region

Director: Doug Patchen

The PTTC is an industry-directed, regionally-focused, non-profit organization with programs that meet the technology needs of small, independent oil and gas producers in the region. It provides expert assistance to these producers through information via its newsletter and website library resources, referrals, and demonstrations of exploration and production software.

The PTTC has taken the lead in providing information on the hot Trenton-Black River gas play in West Virginia and New York thus bringing producing companies and investment money the region. To further their message, the Appalachian Regional Lead Organization of the PTTC has organized and hosted numerous workshops as well as publishing an on-line newsletter as part of its website.

The Supercomputing Science Consortium

Director: Richard Bajura
Technical Contact: Don McLaughlin or Frances VanScoy

In 1998, West Virginia University became the state’s fastest bridge to high performance computing on campus and around the world. From Beowulf clusters to the "big iron" at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), WVU faculty and their partners throughout the region benefit from fast access to state-of-the-art technology in the computational sciences.

Membership in (SC)2 has meant wider bandwidth and faster access to supercomputing highway not only for WVU but for north central West Virginia. WVU is also a member of the Abilene Network, an Internet2 high-performance backbone network, with OC-192 (10 gigabits per second) access through the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.

(SC)2 is a leader in supercomputing innovations. Through her involvement with (SC)2, Computer Science Professor Frances VanScoy has developed a workshop to turn teens on to high performance computing and communications through animation applications. Mechanical Engineering professor Ismail Celik used the supercomputers at the PSC to study fuel cell fundamentals which could provide insight needed to develop commercially viable fuel cells.

West Virginia-U.S. Department of Energy Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research

Director: Richard Bajura

The Department of Energy initiated its EPSCoR program (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) in the early 1990’s with the aim of developing infrastructure and expertise in areas supported by the U.S. DOE Office of Science and its mission agencies. To do this, the agency supports two DOE EPSCoR programs: the Laboratory Partnership Program which fosters individual creativity, promotes ties between individual researchers in the state and national laboratories, and enhances state research capabilities and contacts, and the State Implementation Program which fosters the development of multidisciplinary teams to study complex energy problems and promote research centers of excellence for energy issues. In general, calls for proposals are released annually and are coordinated at the state level by the WVU NRCCE Director's Office with the West Virginia EPSCoR Office.

In addition to several individual laboratory partnerships, the agency funded the WV-US DOE EPSCoR State Implementation Program to provide base funding to WVU to develop an interdisciplinary program called the Advanced Power and Electricity Research Center (APERC). APERC seeks to link research with business and defense strategies to find optimal solutions for the operation and management of electric power systems to "keep the lights on at reasonable cost."

West Virginia Water Research Institute

Director: Paul F. Ziemkiewicz, Ph.D.

WVWRI Programs

The WVWRI is dedicated to preserving and restoring the natural environment through research and partnerships with industry, government agencies, academia and the public. Through its major regional and national programs, the Institute focuses on water, air and soil quality and safety issues especially as related to coal and mining production and usage.

Across the state and around the country, the WVWRI is active in environmental management research while acting as a link between federal, state and local agencies and public and private groups. The Institute assembles competitive research teams in response to funding opportunities and also solicits research proposals through its Combustion Byproducts Research Consortium and the Water Resources Research Institutes programs.

Zero Emissions Research and Technology Center

Director: Richard Bajura

A consortium of Montana State University, West Virginia University, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory, ZERT focuses on advanced power generation technologies and carbon sequestration issues. It also supports the $1 billion DOE research initiative FutureGen which deals with a number of coal and hydrogen utilization technologies.

ZERT at West Virginia University specializes in power system integration, the production of hydrogen from coal and natural gas, and the chemical evolution of groundwater systems, oil/gas reservoirs and coal beds in response to elevated CO2.

Legacy Sites

Central and Southern Appalachian Workshop on Climate Variability and Change


CSAW assessed the social and ecological importance of current climate variability and the potential for future climate change. A dialogue among 100-120 invited stakeholders representing eight broadly-defined sectors: energy, agriculture, human health, commerce, water resources, air quality, human communities, and forestry as viewed from both a wood products and ecosystem perspective focused on several key questions. These issues included identifying current stresses and issues within the region, climate variability's effect, priority research and information needs, and coping options.

West Virginia University Electric Industry Research Group


The EIRG web site contains research reports regarding the impacts of deregulation and restructuring of the electric industry in West Virginia.

The Generic Mineral Technology Center for Respirable Dust


The Generic Mineral Technology Center for Respirable Dust (GMTCRD) was established in 1983 and given the mandate to enhance the health, safety, and productivity of miners through advancing the fundamental understanding of all aspects of respirable dust associated with mining, milling, and the interaction of dust with lungs to reduce the incidence of disease.

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