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IECA Chapters

IECA Ambassador Program

Flag for the People's Republic of China
Flag for Bangladesh
Flag for the People's Republic of China
Flag of India
Flag of Peru
Flag of Australia
Flag of Switerland
Flag of the USA

Objective of the Program

The IECA Ambassador Program aims to connect, educate and develop the worldwide erosion and sediment control community by growing and nurturing membership in diverse countries. Through leadership development, Ambassadors will increase awareness of the value of IECA to a global audience.

Role of an IECA Ambassador

As an Ambassador, your role is the following:

  • Connect members and prospective members in the country you represent to IECA’s global network of resources and members.
  • Represent IECA at events in the country you are appointed to serve.
  • Be instrumental in outreach and recruitment efforts in the country you are appointed to serve.
  • Retain thorough knowledge about IECA’s programs and services and be accessible and responsive to IECA members in the country you represent.
  • Serve as the voice for members of the country you represent and relay their needs to IECA—Work with IECA’s staff and leadership on how to meet those needs.
  • Serve as the lead for Chapter formation for the country that you represent, should a Chapter be formed.

Qualifications to be an IECA Ambassador

  • You must be an IECA member for a minimum of one year.
  • You must show that there is sufficient interest in the region by submitting a list of 25 prospects that you have already contacted.
  • You must provide a statement on why serving as an Ambassador would be of interest to you and what goals you hope to attain.

Appointment, Term of Service, Replacement and Conditions for Removal

  • Ambassadors will be appointed for countries where there is no regional Chapter yet established or for areas in which the IECA Board deems appropriate, which can include areas within the United States.
  • IECA’s Executive Committee will review Ambassador statements and qualifications. Upon approval of the Executive Committee, the Ambassador will be appointed for one year. Service will be reviewed annually and Ambassador can be re-appointed indefinitely as the Executive Committee deems necessary.
  • Ambassador will serve members in the country he/she is appointed to serve by IECA’s Executive Committee. When appropriate and approved by the Executive Committee, the Ambassador may serve an area larger than a single country.
  • If an Ambassador cannot fulfill his/her duties or term of appointment, the Executive Committee may select a qualified member to fill that vacancy.
  • If the Executive Committee has been given cause that shows an Ambassador has violated the trust, code of ethics or code of conduct of IECA and/or has misrepresented his/her self as an Ambassador, then the Executive Committee can remove the appointment and select a replacement. The Executive Committee may terminate the Ambassadorship for any reason should it deem necessary.

IECA’s Expectations of Ambassador

  • Agree to learn about IECA’s programs, services, policies, and structure through reviewing handbooks, IECA's web site and training sessions with IECA leadership and staff.
  • Agree to have your contact information posted on our web site.
  • Maintain regular contact with IECA’s staff and leadership.
  • Demonstrate the ability to grow membership in the country on an annual basis.
  • If possible, attend the IECA annual conference and Board meeting at the annual conference.
  • Explore funding sources for meeting the needs of the members in the country you represent.
  • Bi-annual (two times a year) activity report that includes the following:
    • Major accomplishments of the year
    • Summary of the major needs of the members of the country you represent
    • Summary of Ambassador needs and suggestions on how to improve and grow the Ambassador program

What Does the Ambassador Need to Know?

  • IECA’s mission and vision
  • IECA’s Long Range Plan
  • Be familiar with all IECA programs, services, policies and procedures
  • Be familiar with IECA’s governance structure and leadership
  • Outreach and recruitment techniques
  • Leadership techniques (how to run a meeting, how to develop a strategic plan, etc.)

What Will IECA Provide to Ambassadors?

  • Formal letter stating you are an approved IECA Ambassador
  • Business cards upon request
  • IECA letterhead and envelopes upon request
  • Training materials
  • Promotional materials to distribute as needed
  • Page on IECA’s web site listing contact data for members in the region to contact Ambassador
  • Forum at the IECA annual conference to meet with IECA staff, leadership and other members of your home country

How will the program be funded?

The Ambassador will serve in a volunteer capacity. IECA will grant each Ambassador a complimentary IECA membership for each year of service. If the Ambassador is a member of a chapter that collects its own dues, the Chapter will not need to remit dues to IECA for the Ambassador. Additional compensation will be considered and budgeted for as funding permits.

Future efforts will be made to secure additional funding for the Ambassador Program.