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IECA Resources

ASTM Standards

ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials International) is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world

Founded in 1898 as the American Chapter of the International Association for Testing and Materials and most recently known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International is a not-for-profit organization that provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services. ASTM standards are accepted and used in research and development, product testing, quality systems, and commercial transactions around the globe.

The ASTM web address is

In over 130 varied industry areas, ASTM standards serve as the basis for manufacturing, procurement, and regulatory activities. ASTM standards can be downloaded from their website by using a credit card to pay. However, if you intend to download a number of ASTM standards, it is generally cheaper to buy a subscription. Each time you download a standard, they will reduce the number of standards left in your subscription by one. They will usually alert you when your subscription is close to running out; you have a year to download the number of standards purchased in your subscription (25, 50 or 200).

Here's the ASTM Standards Excel Spreadsheet (PDF) that a number of us created to list ASTM Standards which applied to E & SC work. We would appreciate getting any suggestions for new ASTM standards, practices, or terminology submitted by the IECA membership.

ASTM D18.25 Erosion and Sediment Control Technology subcommittees

ASTM D18.25 Erosion and Sediment Control Technology has several subcommittees. They are:

  • D18.25.01 Mulches & Tackifiers;
  • D18.25.02 Erosion Control Blankets;
  • D18.25.03 Turf Reinforcement Mattings;
  • D18.25.04 Articulating Concrete Block Revetments;
  • D18.25.05 Gabions & Mattresses;
  • D18.25.07 Fabric-Formed Concrete Revetments;
  • D18.25.08 Sediment Control;
  • D18.25.09 Terminology, and
  • D18.25.10 Bioengineering.

There are a number of existing standards under review or new standards which have not made it through the balloting process. These standards while known to the members of the committee cannot be shared with others not on the committee until they are approved by ASTM and released for public use.

Please direct your questions, suggestions for new ASTM Standards or changes to existing Standards to:

Dr. Christopher I. Thornton
Colorado State University
Engineering Research Center
Fort Collins, CO 80523-0001
Ph: 970-491-8394
Fax: 970-491-8235

ASTM Standards Excel Spreadsheet » Use this handy form... to suggest new ASTM Standards or changes to existing standards.

For additional information, please contact:

Kim Kline, Technical Resources Director
3001 S. Lincoln Ave.
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
Ph: 970-879-3010
Fax: 970-879-8563