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IECA connects you to year-round education and updates on erosion control.

The erosion control industry is rapidly evolving. Contractors, engineers, educators, business owners and others count on IECA to keep them informed about the latest practices, regulations and technology. Can you afford to fall behind?

I don’t think you can afford to be in the erosion control business and not be a member of IECA.—Dave Snyder, CPESC, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Your IECA membership connects you to over 3,200 soil and water professionals in 52 countries. In addition, we maintain an office with highly trained staff who can steer you to the resources that best meet your individual needs.

Environmental Connection, the largest soil and water event in the world, connects you to the most innovative people and practices. Learn why you can’t afford to miss Environmental Connection »

Join today for access to the resources you need to solve the problems caused by erosion and sediment.

IECA is the foremost organization for those involved in or concerned about soil erosion control. Membership tells others you take erosion control seriously and you want to help make a difference.—Scott Velting, CPESC, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Who Should Join?

You should join if you …

  • want to improve the effectiveness of your sediment control structures;
  • are confused about what is required to comply with government regulations;
  • like to stay informed about cutting-edge techniques and products;
  • need to execute better on-site environmental risk management;
  • are affected by storm water management compliance issues;
  • are preparing for CPESC certification;
  • want to educate yourself or your organization on erosion control Best Management Practices;
  • sell or produce an erosion-related product; or
  • are in any way involved with land-disturbing activity.

Member benefits at-a-glance »

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IECA connects you …

IECA is your connection to the erosion and sediment control community. Membership grants you an insider’s access to the networking, education and knowledge that you need. Read a detailed description of member benefits »

Staying on top of the erosion control industry can be a challenge. IECA does the work for you, connecting you to the resources you need to stay up-to-date on the latest practices.

Join IECA today »

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