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National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center

A Federal resource for professionals, parents and youth working to prevent violence committed by and against young people.

For Parents

A New Direction for the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (NYVPRC)

Effective October 2007, the NYVPRC shifted from its original focus on serving the general public to a more limited focus on serving local government and community leaders who are best positioned to plan, implement, and sustain community-wide youth violence prevention strategies. See About Us for more details about the new direction for the NYVPRC.

Audiences previously served by the NYVPRC are being redirected to resources from other federal sources that provide information and support formerly provided by the NYVPRC.

Resources for Parents

Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Provides access to information and resources on preventing violent and unintentional injuries; topics include the prevention of child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, suicide, and youth violence.

Child Welfare Information Gateway
For access to information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families; topics include preventing child abuse and neglect, family preservation, and adoption.

Youth Violence Prevention from the National Mental Health Information Center
For access to free materials about youth violence prevention, including articles, books, booklets, brochures, fact sheets, information kits, and reports.

What Adults Can Do to Stop Bullying
For access to materials to learn more about bullying and ways to deal with, reduce, and prevent it, including tip sheets and resources.