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IECA Call for Presentations

7 Steps to Submitting Hot Topics Presentation Types Presentation Guidelines Sample Abstracts Selection Criteria Important Dates & Information Submit Abstract

Presentation Types

There are six presentation types to choose from: Technical Papers; Case Studies; Poster Presentations; Training Workshops; Forums/Round Table Discussions; and Full Day(s) Courses.

Choose the one that best fits your subject matter and then review the sample abstracts.

Technical Papers

The typical technical paper includes the following sections:

  • an introduction/background
  • the issue or research in question
  • a discussion of results
  • a summary or conclusion
  • and a list of references.

If your abstract is accepted, then you can submit a 12-page (maximum) single-sided paper for review. Each Technical Paper accepted must be presented orally at the conference before it will be included in the Conference Proceedings. All Technical Papers are eligible for the Most Distinguished Technical Paper Award.

Learn more about the Awards of Environmental Excellence and the selection process.

Full Paper Guidelines

Case Studies

Case studies are short presentations on a project or program that uses an innovative technique, saves money or transforms a site.

Like Technical Papers, Case Studies are eligible to be considered for an Award of Environmental Excellence. If the Awards Committee is considering your case study for an award, the Committee will ask you to submit a 20-slide Power Point presentation along with the original paper for review.

Case Studies accepted by the Awards Committee for review will be included in the Conference Proceedings.

Environmental Case Studies

Environmental case studies show projects or programs that demonstrate excellence in natural resources conservation and environmental protection through the application of effective erosion and sediment control policies, practices and/or public education. These case studies are eligible to be considered for the Environmental Achievement Award.

Technology Case Studies

Technology case studies show the application of a new practice, design or process that has combined technological and environmental considerations to reduce erosion and sediment and improve water and air quality. These case studies are eligible to be considered for the Excellence in Technology Award.

Contractor Case Studies

Contractor case studies must clearly demonstrate the execution and application of effective erosion and sediment control practices on single or multiple projects and should try to include development and/or use of new and different (from everyday usual) practices. These case studies are eligible to be considered for the Contractor of the Year Award.

Full Case Study Guidelines

Poster Presentations

Most Poster Presentations document an Erosion and Sediment Control project from beginning to end. Each accepted Poster Presentation should be displayed on a 1.2 m x 2.4 m (4' x 8') poster board.

The abstract should describe:

  • the nature of the presentation
  • a summary of the visuals that the presentation will contain
  • and a description of the relevance of the presentation to the erosion and sediment control industry.

If your abstract is accepted, you will submit a sample layout and photos of the poster presentation. Poster presentations will be included in the Conference Proceedings.

Full Poster Guidelines

Training Workshops

The popular Training Workshops are mini-courses that describe and demonstrate real world applications of erosion and sediment control technology. Instructors should focus on practical, "how-to" techniques that include planning, design, construction and/or maintenance. You can teach a short 1.5-hour workshop, or you can submit a proposal for a 3-hour workshop that includes more advanced techniques.

If your abstract is accepted, you will be asked for a workshop outline, a description of desired outcomes and learning objectives, copies of handout materials (handouts should be an overview of what you are presenting) and information about your qualifications for teaching the workshop.

Training workshops are not included in the Conference Proceedings.

Full Training Workshop Guidelines

Forums/Round Table Discussions

Get together with career professionals to discuss the hottest topics in your job. Gain insights from people who do the same job as you do. Forums/Round Table Discussions are 1-hour sessions that bring erosion and sediment control professionals together for discussion and debate.

Forums/Round Table Discussions need a facilitator rather then a presenter. The facilitator will help the audience gain answers to questions from a panel of industry professionals. These popular sessions usually address non-technical subjects related to storm water, construction and erosion and sediment control.

If your abstract is accepted, you need to submit an outline and a synopsis of the expected outcome of the forum, as well as your qualifications for facilitating the forum and key participants.

Forums/Round Table Discussions are not included in the Conference Proceedings.

Full Forum Guidelines

New Product/Computer Symposiums

This presentation type is no longer available. For information on how your company can purchase "Industry Education" time at the conference please contact Russ Adsit at or call 303-640-7554.

Full Day(s) Course Instructors

In addition to conference presentations, IECA also works with instructors to teach one to two day courses during the conference and throughout the year. If you are interested in being an instructor for IECA's full-day training courses, please submit an abstract and outline of the course you would like to teach. Include the following information with your abstract and outline:

  1. Describe your current employment status, position, responsibilities and relationship to the erosion control industry.
  2. Document all formal instruction/teaching experience as it pertains to the proposal.
  3. List three references who can attest to your competence and expertise as it relates to teaching the proposed subject matter.
  4. Briefly explain your interest in IECA Professional Development Training program and why you would like to teach the proposed course.

Your course abstract and outline will go through a peer review process before acceptance into the program. Approved IECA instructors are paid an honorarium and some travel expenses are covered. Instructors must be current IECA members.