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Star Nursery, Inc. is very sensitive to customers concerns about a safe and secure shopping experience. We understand our customers' worries about what happens to personal information given while ordering online. With this in mind we have adopted the following privacy policy.

All information supplied to us by customers will be used as follows:

1. We will NOT give, sell, trade, lend, lease or divulge any customer information to any other company, entity or individual except where / when required by U.S. federal or state law.

2. We will NOT contact you by any means (Electronic, phone or land based) unless it concerns your order, product return or credit card used for a purchase. Only customers who have requested to be contacted will receive solicitations from us.

3. We may use your personal information within our own company to help us understand and meet your needs. The results will be for internal use only.

4. All payment information will be held in a secure manner with extremely limited and protected access.

5. We do not use cookies on our web sites to collect personal information.

Your use of this web site constitutes agreement to the following terms of use:

1. Prices and availability of products displayed on this web site are subject to change without notice. The prices shown do not include shipping and handling or sales tax.

2. Product descriptions and instructions for use may at times be incomplete or contain errors. Star Nursery reviews this information on a daily basis and makes corrections or additions as warranted. Correct use of any item should be based on the labeling information provided by the particular manufacturer and not based on our website.

3. Star Nursery makes no warranty about the suitability of any of the products on this site for the consumers purpose. The consumer is to take responsibility for proper and safe installation and use of any item purchased.

4. Star Nursery is committed to the satisfaction of our online customers, and as such is prepared to replace items that do not meet with the customers needs or are defective. If we determine such an issue was not the cause of the customer it is our practice to cover shipping expense for said replacement. Star Nursery’s liability however, is limited to item replacement, and expressly disclaims any liability for costs beyond this or any form of punitive or consequential damage.

5. Star Nursery will immediately replace any item that was received defective or damaged.

6. Star Nursery will promptly replace defective items where the warranty has not expired and will act as representative for the customer to the manufacturer to help assure rapid satisfaction. Replacement for  products that cease to function is ultimately the responsibility of the manufacturer of that product. All product warranties and limitations are issued by the individual product manufacturer, and ultimate replacement decisions are based on the terms of that warranty.

7. Some states or other jurisdictions may prohibit the disclaimer of certain warranties or certain limitations of liability.


    In order to receive the Holiday Special Free Shipping, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

1. Subtotal of purchase must meet the $75.00 requirement.

2. Total shipping weight cannot exceed $200.00. Any purchase that exceeds the $200.00 shipping will not qualify, instead the customer will be given a $200.00 credit towards the final shipping cost. All purchase orders will be reviewed and customers contacted if any of the requirements are not met.

3. Free shipping applies only to continental U.S.

4. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Internet Sales at 866.584.7827.

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