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Launch Tour the Town

Tour the Town

Welcome to Tour the Town, an interactive tour of the Colonial Williamsburg experience. Use Tour the Town to explore the Historic Area and Colonial Williamsburg's properties.

How to use the interactive map:

  • Drag the Map - Click and drag the map to move throughout the Historic Area.
  • Take a Tour - Use the "Take a Tour" option for a guided interactive tour. Online tours include historic buildings, historic trades, things of interest to children, and more.
  • More Features on the Way - Look for new audio, video, photography, and other features. We'll add more soon, so come back often to find out what's new.

Flash 7 Required

To use the interactive Tour the Town, you'll need the free Flash player. You can download it here.

2007 W3 Web Award
2007 Web Award
2007 Web Award 2007 Web Award

Untitled Document

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