Field Trip Route and Stops Land Resources Home FRIRP Home

Stop 1: Turkey Creek Canyon
Oil & Gas Reservoir Rocks

Stop 2: Denver Federal Center  Historical Perspectives

Stop 3: Green Mountain
Geology of Green Mountain

Stop 4: Heritage Square 
Crushed Stone Operations

Stop 5: The Golden Area 
Water Resources Historical Extraction


Map of the Greater Denver Metro Area Stop 1  Turkey Creek Canyon Stop 2  Denver Federal Center Stop 3  Green Mountain Stop 4  Heritage Square Stop 5  The Golden Area Stop 6  State Highway 58 Stop 7  Interstate 76 Stop 8  Northern Front Range Stop 9  Greater Wattenberg Area Stop 10  Thornton Stop 11  The Howe Pit Stop 6: State Highway 58 
Shallow Aquifers and Gravel extraction

Stop 7: Interstate 76
Recycling of Aggregate 

Stop 8: Northern Front Range
Urban Growth

Stop 9: Greater Wattenberg Area
Energy & Environmental

Stop 10: Thornton 
Natural Resources & Urbanization

Stop 11: The Howe Pit
Sand & Gravel Operations

Use map or headlines to navigate.
The whole tour will take approximately 20 to 25 minutes.

Stop 12: Fort Collins Riparian Species and Habitats Map of the Ft. Collins AreaStop 12  Fort Collins

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Contact: Carol Mladinich
Updated: 05/16/2001
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