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Park and Rec. Quick List

Spring/Summer Activity Guide is now online. See our Registration page for details. Registration will begin Monday, March 9th.  

Recreation Weather Hot Line: 651-792-7607

Join our Recreation Email ListClick here to sign up

Welcome to the City of Falcon Heights, Minnesota!
Curtiss Field, 2008 Photo Contest Winner, Courtesy of Richard Bartz.
Curtiss Field, 2008 Photo Contest Winner, Courtesy of Richard Bartz.

Falcon Heights - The City That Soars!

Located just ten minutes from both downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis, we are the home of the Minnesota State Fair, with over a million visitors a year, and the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus, whose wide open agricultural fields give our community a rural feel in the heart of the Twin Cities metropolitan area.

Falcon Heights was incorporated as a village in 1949 and became a city in 1974. The city occupies 2.28 square miles. According to the 2000 census, 5578 people of all ages live in our tree-lined neighborhoods.  Find out more about Falcon Heights by visiting our Community & Visitor Information pages.

Find us at falconheights.org.

H1N1 Flu Update: In an effort to keep our residents updated about Swine Flu updates, the St. Paul-Ramsey County Public Health Department has created this website:

If you have further questions, please call their office at (651) 266-1277.

Commission Openings: Planning, Parks, Neighborhood, Human Rights
There are currently openings on most city commissions. High school students may be eligible for some of these openings. For more information, please contact Justin Miller, City Administrator, at 651-792-7600. Applications are now being accepted at City Hall. A commission application form may be downloaded here. City commissioners are appointed by the Mayor.

Firefighter Openings
The Falcon Heights Fire Department is seeking paid on-call volunteer firefighters. The department serves the cities of Falcon Heights and Lauderdale.  Click here for more information.

More about the Falcon Heights website.

Recreation News

The 2009 Spring/Summer Activity Guide is now online. Registration has begun!

Facebook Users! Falcon Heights Parks and Recreation now has a facebook page. Another way to get up to date information on park and recreation happenings. Become a fan by searching Falcon Heights Parks and Recreation.

Kids Smart Self Defense and Safety Training is back this May.

New this summer!  Creative Art Camp for ages 7-10!

Dogs in the Park Trial Period- May 25- September 7

Join the Falcon Heights Walking Club- New and improved!

Park Shelter Rentals - Planning a family reunion or neighborhood gather this summer?

Watch the 2008 Ice Cream Social Video!

Walking and Biking Routes - Looking for a pleasurable walk or bike ride around Falcon Heights? Download a map or submit your favorite route here!

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