BioSafe Systems: The Bio Security Company

Post Harvest & Food Safety


BioSafe Systems offers a full range of disease control products that are truly Field to Fork. Our products are used for all types of harvested, stored, and processed food applications. They are effective alternatives to chlorine, bromine, or copper compounds.

These products have a broad spectrum control of human health and plant pathogens, utilize a reduced-risk peroxygen chemistry, and begin working on contact for immediate results.

Below is our product line for Post Harvest:
SaniDate 5.0 Sanitizer/Disinfectant
SaniDate 12.0 MicroBiocide (OMRI Listed)
StorOx Broad Spectrum Bactericide/Fungicide (OMRI Listed)
OxiDate Broad Spectrum Bactericide/Fungicide (OMRI Listed)
TerraClean Broad Spectrum Bactericide/Fungicide

Ponds have become an important source of irrigation water, particularly for farms with permanent crops or drinking water areas for livestock. Click here to learn more.