Welcome to the DBVI Web Site!

Providing Quality Services to Assist Virginia's Citizens

Raymond E. Hopkins, Commissioner
397 Azalea Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227-3623
Call DBVI Toll Free (Within Virginia) - 1-800-622-2155 (Voice/TTY) or (804) 371-3140 (Voice/TTY)

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Mission Statement

The mission of the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired is to empower blind, visually impaired, and deafblind individuals to achieve their maximum level of employment, education, and personal independence.

Commissioner's Message

The Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) is committed to providing quality services to assist Virginia's citizens who are blind, deafblind or vision impaired in achieving their maximum level of employment, education, and personal independence. The department provides an array of specialized services to blind Virginians of all ages to assist them in attaining the skills, confidence and positive outlook that are critical to independence.

Our primary focus is to assist blind Virginians in achieving quality employment outcomes. Vocational evaluation, job training, job development, placement, follow-up and other services are provided to assist consumers in obtaining jobs in the public and private sectors. Training for and employment as food service managers and vendors are available in cafeterias, snack bars, and other vending facilities in public and private buildings. The Virginia Industries for the Blind provides another employment option for blind Virginians at its two plant locations in Charlottesville and Richmond, its satellite store operations and administrative service positions across the Commonwealth.

Assessments and training to assist blind consumers in achieving their independent living goals are available including skills of daily living, home management, orientation and mobility, Braille and other communication skills, and use of adaptive technologies. With the "graying" of our society increasing numbers of seniors with age related vision loss access our independent living services.

Low Vision services assist individuals with decreasing vision of all ages in utilizing their remaining vision to maximum benefit. Optical aids benefit many people with "low vision" in employment, educational pursuits, and independent living and leisure activities. Specialized assessments and technical assistance assist consumers and service providers in meeting the needs of consumers who are deafblind, i.e. have combined vision and hearing losses.

The department's Library and Resource Center provides Braille, large print and recorded materials to increase consumers' knowledge and educational achievement as well as providing for leisure reading. The department also collaborates with schools to assist in the education of blind, deafblind or visually impaired students.

Advancements in technology have opened many doors to blind people - opportunities that previously were inaccessible and unavailable. We value the importance of technology in employment, education, and independent living. One of our priorities is to remain on the leading edge of technological solutions that bring positive benefits to our customers.

Our staff are highly trained and committed to assist Virginia's blind, deafblind, and vision impaired citizens in reaching their full potential. The department's services and training programs are available in consumers' home communities or at the residential Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired in Richmond. By participating in the training opportunities the department offers, blind consumers develop the skills, confidence and positive outlook they need to achieve their goals. Please let us know if we may assist you or someone you know.

Our website provides detailed information about the department's programs and services. I hope you find this information helpful. You may contact us at our toll free number 1-800-622-2155, or in the Richmond area: 371-3140.

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This File Was Last Modified: Monday December 15 2008