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RE: HTML5: First Public Working Draft Released

From: John Foliot - Stanford Online Accessibility Program <jfoliot@stanford.edu>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:26:37 -0700
To: "'Robison, Cole [EISU]'" <Cole.Robison@da.ks.gov>, <w3c-wai-ig@w3.org>
Cc: <wai-xtech@w3.org>
Message-ID: <008d01c883be$975f9df0$9d2e42ab@stanford.edu>

Robison, Cole wrote:
> Regardless, the omission of abbr on th seems like a loss to me.
> Cole Robison
> Director of Statewide Web/IT Accessibility
> Division of Information Systems & Communications
> State of Kansas


As a "public voice" aligned with a state government, speak up under that
banner.  The W3C needs varied and public feedback, and having the State of
Kansas request that existing accessibility implementations be carried
forward to the next generation authoring language carries some weight.

The Draft authors have missed quite a lot of accessibility stuff in their
rush to get the Draft out, and despite what some concerned advocates have
already noted, the editors continue to exhibit but a passing awareness of
real edge-case accessibility needs, instead working from an 80/20
perspective, such as suggesting that @scope solves the problems of
accessible table markup "most of the time". (To which the still un-answered
retort is, "What about the rest of the time?") Having "real-life"
implementers, who not only need but use this edge-case code capacity speak
up is critical to the ongoing continuation of these elements and attributes
into HTML 5.

So if you have comments on the draft for the HTML 5 working group, please
send them to:


Comment archives are available and if you are interested you can also
subscribe to the public-html-comments list.

Additionally, if you can reference existing, current examples that your
group/department/agency has produced that shows the edge-case code in action
that would be most excellent, as it moves it beyond theoretical and into the
realm of practical.

John Foliot 
Academic Technology Consultant 
Stanford Online Accessibility Program
Stanford University
Tel: 650-862-4603
Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2008 21:26:57 GMT

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