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Updated July 2008, includes June 11 tornadoes

Commissioner's CornerCommissioner's Corner for December 2008

Family insurance conversations can provide great information PDF

One of the greatest joys that I have this time of year is being with family. Since mine is scattered throughout the Plains, gathering together to enjoy the holiday season is a special time to reminisce and look forward.

It's also a time that we can have some meaningful discussion about our lives and how we protect them (I guess, being insurance commissioner, that is always on my mind). 

Previous Commissioner's Corners...

Kansas Insurance Department monitoring Brooke issues throughout agency's divisions

Note: Insurance companies doing business in Kansas have been notified of KID's monitoring of Brooke issues. No cancellation of coverage will take place if payment of premium has been made to any Brooke Corporation agent/agency. If a notice of cancellation is received, the customer should provide the company with proof of payment of the premium.

A consumer who purchased an insurance policy from a Brooke agent and who now has a claim covered by that policy should contact his or her insurance company directly. Consumers not satisfied with the response of the insurance companies should contact their appropriate state insurance departments.

Additional agent/agency information is available at our agent/company page.

The Kansas Insurance Department (KID) is following up on consumer inquiries and closely monitoring the legal issues surrounding Brooke Corp. and its insurance-related affiliates, said Sandy Praeger, Commissioner of Insurance.

Commissioner Praeger also said the department is interacting with the corporation’s appointed special master and staff members regarding contractual concerns between the corporation and its franchisees. The insurance department does not have regulatory oversight in those contractual matters. (Read news release PDF)

How to find your company's financial information

The Kansas Insurance Department offers ways for consumers to check on the financial condition of their insurance companies. On the right-hand side of the Agent/Company Search page is a box with links to several Financial Rating Organizations. Choose an organization and follow the instructions on its Web site to learn more about your company and its operations.

Consumer complaint and financial information for companies may also be found on the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's Consumer Information Source page.

Insurance QuarterlyInsurance Quarterly - Fall 2008

Lead article: AIG a reminder state regulation is still key

As my presidency at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners comes to a close next month, I reflect on a year that has brought the concerns of state insurance departments full circle.

Discussions earlier this year were dominated by debate about optional federal charter legislation that would create a national organization to regulate insurance companies, but the faltering economy has been a primary focus of NAIC's work these past few months.  When we look at the steps that preceded this economic crisis, we discover that the appropriate checks weren't in place at the federal level to prevent the liquidity problems that occurred at AIG.

Also in this issue:

National Survey Shows Some Are Risking Health to Save Money

New research from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) indicates that Americans seem to be cutting back on their medical care to save money - a move that potentially puts their own health at risk. The Kansas Insurance Department is a member of the NAIC.

A survey in July found that 22% of U.S. consumers say they have reduced the number of times they see the doctor, and 11% say they have cut back the number of prescription drugs they take or the dosage of those medications to make the prescription last longer.

However, while consumers might be making budget cuts in other areas, the NAIC’s survey revealed that the vast majority have not reduced, canceled or otherwise made changes to their insurance policies. (Read news release PDF)

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Our primary responsibility is to you, the people whose personal lives or business endeavors are protected by an insurance product in the state of Kansas.

If you have questions or concerns about insurance, please contact our Consumer Assistance Division by calling toll-free 1-800-432-2484 (in Kansas only) or e-mail us at

Sandy Praeger - Commissioner of Insurance