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Clearfield Youth City Council - The Leaders of Tomorrow
Friday, 24 October 2008
The first Clearfield Youth City Council was originally formed in the summer of 2007, as the result of a suggestion from then-City Councilman Mike LeBaron.

“I noticed several teenagers in attendance at one of our Community Council meetings,” explained LeBaron. “I was impressed with their opinions about the subjects discussed that evening. Many cities in Utah have Youth City Councils – what better way to get Clearfield youth directly involved with their community and city government.”

Last Updated ( Friday, 24 October 2008 )
Snap Shot Of Public Works Director Scott Hodge
Friday, 24 October 2008
scotthodge.jpgScott Hodge started his career with Clearfield City almost 30 years ago as an assistant building inspector. For sixteen years he has been the Public Works Director, and he has the knowledge to prove it. He’s the guy to go to when you want to learn about asphalt, slurry seals, water backflow, how to put a pipe in the ground, or snow removal.

“We’re the ones you don’t think about until you turn on your water faucet and nothing comes out!” said Hodge.

For fifteen years Hodge directed city planning, zoning, and building inspections, in addition to public works. “About a year ago a new position, Community Development Director, was created to split off planning, development, code enforcement and building inspections,” explained Hodge. “I now concentrate solely on Public Works issues, which includes city streets, water, sewer, storm drains, and the city’s fleet equipment and autos.”

The Public Works department has 19 full-time employees, and one part-time, with plans to add two more part-time employees in fiscal year 2009.

Each day Hodge begins his work day at 7am by holding a department brief. “That’s where our crews meet and discuss the projects for that day, any special concerns, and who’s working where,” said Hodge.

The Public Works Department is divided into five crews – a blue stakes/signs crew, a water crew, a street crew, a concrete crew, and a fleet maintenance crew.

“All of the crews are interchangeable,” explained Scott. “In any type of emergency, such as snow removal, or a huge water line break, all the crews can be mobilized to help. They’re cross-trained.”
Last Updated ( Friday, 24 October 2008 )