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Reliable water, sewer, drainage & solid-waste services

Services > Drainage & Sewer > Get Involved

Stencil a Storm Drain

Help protect water quality

Sign up to stencil storm drains in your neighborhood with the message:

Dump No Waste
Drains to Stream, Lake or Bay

Individuals, families, and community organizations, like churches, schools, businesses, Boys and Girls clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and individuals can help. You will receive instructions and the use of a stenciling kit.

Kids show off their newly stenciled storm drain.

Get a stenciling kit to get started
  • • Fill out our Volunteer Form OR
  • • Call Carlton Stinson, Storm Drain Stenciling Coordinator, at (206) 684-7624.
Where storm drains go
Some people believe that storms drain carry the waste to a sewage treatment for cleanup. Not true! Some drains go directly into the nearest stream or lake or Puget Sound, and so do the hazardous chemicals, pesticides, paints, antifreeze and used motor oil people pour down storm drains every year.

The Seattle Aquarium estimates that more than 2 million gallons of used motor oil ends up in Puget Sound each year. That’s enough to fill a medium-sized tanker! But even small amount of oil can smother fish eggs and developing shellfish in our lakes and streams. Just 1 pint of oil causes a slick the size of 2 football fields.

Related links
Volunteer Form


Graffiti Prevention & Remove