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  • Progress Rail Services Receives Governor's Safety Award

    January 15, 2009

    Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development Commissioner.   ...More

  • TOSHA 2009 Spring Seminars

    January 12, 2009

    The Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration has 46 upcoming training seminars at several locations throughout the state.   ...More

  • Cleveland Career Center Closing

    January 9, 2009

    The Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development is closing the Career Center located in Cleveland.   ...More


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Titans Coach Jeff Fisher videotaped a Public Service Announcement for Tennessee Career Centers a few years back urging employers to utilize the free services of the Tennessee Career Centers. Fisher rarely has time to volunteer during the football season but said, “I feel this is important to help Tennessee’s unemployed get back on their feet.” Jeff Fisher and the Tennessee Titans have many fans in this state, and with Coach Fisher’s help we hope they learn more about what our Tennessee Career Centers have to offer. Jeff Fisher Career Centers Video Photo