


City Hall Hours During Holidays


City Hall Departments

Closed all day on Jan. 19. Martin Luther King Day


Senior Center Activities

Closed same days as City Hall. Please call the Nutrition Site Coordinator at 270-4290 if you have any questions or concerns about home delivered meals.

Recycling and Refuse pick up is not affected by this holiday


Mayoral Primary February 17


List of Candidates - Election Day is April 7, 2009


2009 Fitchburg Budget


2009 Budget Summary of Budget & Tax Levy

2008 Property Tax Levies 2009 Budget

Comparison of Taxes Paid

Tax Impact Analysis


2009 Adopted Budget Letter from Mayor

2009 Budget Expenses


Assessed & Equalized Value

Expenditures by Type

Tax Levy Summary


Special Public Meeting Information


Dane County Executive Candidates to Face Off January 28th 4:30 to 6:30 pm, Fitchburg City Hall Council Chambers

This Debate will allow both, current County Executive, Kathleen Falk, and challenger, Nancy Mistele. Click here for more information


Program Needs Study - Senior Center/Recreation survey was mailed out to every 5th resident last week for a total of 4000 residents. For those that did not receive a survey in the mail, you can go to to fill out a survey.


Seasonal Information


Fire Hydrant Help

Please keep the fire hydrants clean of snow during the winter months. Fitchburg has over 1,000 hydrants and getting to all of them during the snowy months is hard. Any help you or your neighbors can do to help is appreciated. Thank you.

Alternate Parking Nov. 15 thru March 15

Snow Removal

Sidewalk Responsiblity

Deicing your Sidewalk & Driveway

Mailbox Damage


Holiday Waste Reduction Tips

Holiday Recycling

Holiday Tree Collection

Winterizing your Plumbing







Email us at with your comments.


(last updated: January 15, 2009 3:51 PM )

This page has been viewed 113,730 times since August 20, 2007.