
Cross Plains, WI

  • Overcast
  • Temperature: 15.8 °F
  • Wind: NW, 3.5 mph
  • Pressure: 1008 hPa
  • Rel. Humidity: 79%
  • Visibility: 2 miles
Reported on:
Sun, 01/18/2009 - 23:07


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Welcome to the Village of Cross Plains

Located in the beautiful rolling hills of western Dane County, Cross Plains is home to more than 3,000 people.  It offers a friendly, small-town atmosphere with easy access to business and recreational opportunities in Madison.  People are attracted to the area's natural beauty and the many benefits it offers.

At the Village of Cross Plains, we will always strive to provide up-to-date information on village services that enhance your quality of life. Please check back often for updates on latest city news, recreational activities, and other areas of interest.

Take a look around and see what we have to offer.  Feel free to send us your questions or comments -


looking for our COMPREHENSIVE PLAN???  go to:  village links/village news/new to review