Web Links to Useful Sites





The Dietrick Institute for Applied Insect Ecology http://dietrick.org

Ecological Farming Association (previously Committee for Sustainable Agriculture) http://www.eco-farm.org/

Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC) http://www.birc.org/

Living with bugs (urban entomology) http://www.livingwithbugs.com/

Acres U.S.A http://www.acresusa.com

California Alliance with Family Farmers http://www.caff.org

Organic Trade Organization http://www.ota.org

Northwest Coalition For Alternatives To Pesticides (Ncap) http://www.pesticide.org

Association of Applied Insect Ecologists http://www.aaie.net

Dont Panic Eat Organic- Sal Schettino's wonderful collection of info on organic agriculture http://www.rain.org/~sals/my.html

Bat conservation International http://www.batcon.org

Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly http://www.monitor.net/rachel/rehw-home.html

Natural Agricultural Network of the Americas (N.A.N.A.)  http://www.emnana.org/jpcf_1st/Default.htm

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture  http://www.maharishivedicorganicagriculture.com/

Assn of Natural Biocontrol Producers http://www.anbp.org

Invisble Gardner, Andy Lopez http://www.invisiblegardener.com/

American Natural Products - for home gardeners http://americanatural.com

Soil Technologies, http://www.soiltechcorp.com

Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply http://www.groworganic.com/default.html



Soil food web, mycorrhizae, insect pathogens, antagonists


Information on microbes in soil (our mentor Elaine Ingham) http://www.soilfoodweb.com

BBC Laboratories, Inc. http://www.bbc-labs.com/

The Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book, by Thorsten Kraska http://www.ifgb.uni-hannover.de/extern/ppigb/ppigb.htm

microbe suppliers

BioWorks Rootshield http://www.bioworksbiocontrol.com

bio (Biologically Integrated Organics) Ceres http://www.bio-inc.com

Fungi Perfecti, Paul Stamets http://fungi.com/

Advan, Soilgard http://www.advanllc.com/

Gustafson, Inc, Kodiak AT http://www.gustafson.com/

Natural Resources Group, Activate series of inoculants http://www.callnrg.com/

T & J Enterprises VAM http://www.tandjenterprises.com

VAM http://www.vamfungi.com/

Soil Technologies Corp http://www.soiltechcorp.com

Natural Industries, Actinovate http://www.naturalindustries.com

Advanced Biotech, Inc. Bioworld Odor Treatment http://www.adbio.com

Troy Biosciences Naturalis http://www.troybiosciences.com


Biological Control and Integrated Pest Management


APHIS National Biological Control Institute (NBCI) - USDA  http://www.aphis.usda.gov/nbci/nbci.html

APHIS Plant Protection Centers - USDA Animal and Plant Health Service http://www.aphis.usda.gov/PPQ/bco/

Auburn's Biological Control Institute (BCI) - Auburn University http://www.ag.auburn.edu/bci/bci.html

Cornell's Biological Control Home Page -  http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu:80/ent/biocontrol/index.html

Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System - University of Florida http://hammock.ifas.ufl.edu/

Florida's National IPM Network - University of Florida http://hammock.ifas.ufl.edu/tmp/en.html

NEB Guide - Biological Control of Insect and Mite Pests - University of Nebraska Cooperative Ext. http://ianrwww.unl.edu/ianr/pubs/extnpubs/insects/g1251.HTM#SOURCES

North Carolina's National IPM Network (North Carolina State University)


North Carolina State BioControl Contents - North Carolina State University http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/biocontrol/biocontrol.html

Purdue's Biological Control Laboratory - University of Purdue Cooperative Extension http://www.entm.purdue.edu/entomology/bclab/biocontrol.html

University of California IPM Home Page - University of California at Davis http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/

Association of Natural Biological Control Producers http://www.anbp.org

IPM Now - school and institutional IPM  http://www.ipmnow.org


Kid's Ecology


Ecology and environment site list  http://www.ecoed.net/resources.htm

NatureServe  on line ecncylopedia of life http://www.natureserve.org/

The Learning Studio The Exploratorium http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio

CBC 4 Kids: the Laboratory http://www.cbc4kids.ca/general/the-lab

Mad Science: Kids http://www.madscience.org/madweb/entrance/kids

Bizarre stuff you can make in your kitchen http://www.freeweb.pdq.net/headstrong

Newton’s Apple http://www.ericir.syr.edu/projects/newton

Insects for Kids http://www.insect-world.com

Food chain http://www.library.thinkquest.com/11353/ecosystems.htm

Insects as Food http://www.ent.iastate.edu/misc/insectsasfood.html

Spiders http://www.wildnetafrica.co.za/kidscorner/

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment http://www.globe.gov/

Environmental Database for Schools- A broad-ranging resource that provides environmental science information, tailored for school use. http://www.soton.ac.uk/~engenvir/index.html


Genetic Engineering

Consumer Right to Know Campaign, Mothers for Natural Law http://www.safe-food.org/

Genetic ID (testing service for detecting GMO food) http://www.genetic-id.com


RAFI http://www.rafi.ca/

Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com

Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/

Organic Farmers Marketing Association http://www.iquest.net/ofma

Pesticide Action Network http://www.panna.org/panna/campaigns/ge.html

Union of Concerned Scientists http://www.ucsusa.org/

Soil Association UK http://www.soilassociation.org/

Religious Alliance for Bio-Integrity http://www.bio-integrity.org/


Rodent Control with Owls


Barn Owl nest box info http://members.tripod.com/~Tommy51/

International Barn Owl restoration page http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/DTrapp/barnowli.htm

Barn Owl Nest Box Project by G Shaw and A. Dowell of the S. Scotland Conservancy. The Nest Box Project is studying the re-establishment requirements for barn owls throughout Illinois


Barn Owl Nest Box by James D. Wilson, Construction http://www.conservation.state.mo.us/nathis/birds/owls/barnowl.htm

The Owl Nestbox Resource Page http://www.owlpages.com/owlboxes.html

The Barn Owl (Tyto albq) - Detailed information on building nest boxes for Barn Owls  http://www.rain.org/~sals/barnowl.html

S.C.R.O., Non-profit Society for the Conservation and Research of Owls with members in 15 countries, Adopt an Owl Program, Research, Conservation, Merchandise Catalog, Membership, http://www.scro.comp-net-creations.net/welcome.html

The Barn Owl Conservation Trust is an organisation in England promoting the conservation, rescue and rehabilitation of Owls and raptors. http://www.barnowl.org.uk/

The Owls of North Dakota These pages describe the nine owls of North Dakota and are designed to help you locate and identify these fascinating birds of prey. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/owls/owls.htm


Owl Facts - an environmental education and wildlife rehabilitation center that specializes in Owls in New York State. http://members.xoom.com/OwlFacts

The Burrowing Owl is part of a site that has information on the endangered species of Alberta, Canada. http://www.afternet.com/~teal/sowl.html



Rodent Control with Traps and Mechanical Devices

Rodentator, oxy-propane disruptor, quick merciful http://www.rodenator.com

Cinch traps Video Demonstration

contact Don Sprague of Don Sprague Sales (1-800-423-0158)


Make Your Own Fly Traps, Biting fly traps, Cone type traps

biting fly trap developed in Africa


walk through trap


canopy trap


compare Epps, Horse Pal


fly trap cone type


wood frame


2 liter soda bottle (live catch)


five gallon bucket trap


another five gallon bucket trap


Drosophila, fruit flies


vial, funnel, for small quantities





bait fly traps with apple cider vinegar or wine to catch fruit flies - also known as vinegar flies

a good bait for house flies is 1 part molasses, 3 parts water