Banner of the State of South Dakota's Lieutenant Governor Web Site.

South Dakota

Banner image of Lieutenant Governor Dennis Daugaard


Fellow South Dakotans:

I am honored to serve as your South Dakota lieutenant governor and am pleased to be an enthusiastic partner and supporter of our governor, Mike Rounds.  Mike and I became friends when we served together in the South Dakota Senate, and I am grateful to be part of his team. 

Governor Rounds and I believe strongly in the wisdom of consensus-building and in citizen participation. We are always seeking your ideas for ways to make South Dakota even better, especially through our state’s 2010 Initiative and during events such as Capital for a Day and education town hall meetings.

In these first few years of the new millennium, we want to help South Dakota reach into the future. We will do this by placing a stronger emphasis on keeping young people in our state, by committing ourselves to research in higher education, and by growing our state’s economy. I agree with Gov. Rounds because, “Working together, I know we can make South Dakota even better!”

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of leading our state. We will work hard to earn your continued support. Please contact me if you have questions or advice.


Dennis Daugaard

Lt. Governor



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