The Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky


Kentucky is a great place to live, work, and raise a family - the best place in the world. We face major challenges, but, at the same time, we have so much to offer. We have beautiful, abundant natural resources and, across the state, we have tremendous people who share with us a resolve to put Kentucky first.

Steve Beshear and I share a common vision for Kentucky. We share an appreciation for the history of the Commonwealth and a passion to ensure a bright future. We truly believe our best days lie ahead and that by solving today’s problems we will provide the genesis for seizing the opportunities of tomorrow. We look forward to working with all Kentuckians to achieve that vision.

As elected officials, we serve not as Democrats or Republicans, but as public servants whom the people of Kentucky have elected to meet those challenges we face, to move Kentucky forward, and to provide the type of leadership of which all Kentuckians can be proud.

Lt. Governor's Spotlight

Your Heart is in Your Hands

Heart Health Initiative

Lt. Governor Dan Mongiardo has launched the Kentucky Chapter of the National Lieutenant Governor's Association heart health initiative, Your Heart is in Your Hands. [Read more...]

  • Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo participates in a bike ride in Eastern Kentucky.
  • Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo promotes Kentucky's signature industry.
  • Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo fires the first shot at Kentucky Corps of Longriflemen event at Fort Boonesborough.