Alex deSherbinin on adapting to climate change

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  • Photo: Jasmic

    “Over a 200 year time frame, we could see much more dramatic reshaping of world geography and settlements.” – Alex deSherbinin

    Columbia University scientist Alex deSherbinin studies how human populations interact with their environment. He spoke with EarthSky about the challenges we’ll face due to climate change.

    EarthSky thanks Alex deSherbinin for giving his time to serve on our Global Science Advisory Council.

    1 Comments for Alex deSherbinin on adapting to climate change

    1. 1

      Dear Mememine69,

      You cannot be serious. Not really.



      PS: Alex, thanks for all you are doing to protect biodiversity from massive extirpation, the environment from irreversible degradation, the Earth from relentless dissipation and the family of humanity from endangerment.

      Steven Earl Salmony
      AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population
      established 2001

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