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Organic Products  05/28/08 10:45:12 AM

Products and Services 

                           ~ Organic Specialists~

                             Poultry - Dairy - Meat 

                          ~Livestock Nutrition~


Make CFS your supplier for all of your 
Organic farm needs and supplies. 

•Custom Mineral Mixes
•Natural T.M. Salt & Conditioner
•T.M. Salt/Sea Kelp Blends
•Animal Health Products
•Custom Formulation Available
•Bag or Bulk Delivery
•Shell Corn
•Oats & Barley
•Expelled Soybeans
•Roasted Soybeans
•Flax Meal



Protein Levels
The protein level is an approximation based on the pro-rated level of the ingredient
products on as fed (calculated including the moisture in the grain). The actual protein
level may vary slightly from one batch to another. The major source of protein is
soybean meal with supplemental protein from alfalfa meal, flax meal, peas, wheat and
other oil seeds.


  All products are made from only certified organic grains and organically acceptable  
  mineral and vitamin inputs. The grains are rolled individually to ensure the proper 
  texture for the animal and then mixed. We use mostly whole grains except for
  dehydrated alfalfa pellets. There are not medications, preservatives or animal 
  products of any kind.

  The ingredient list may change slightly from time to time depending on the
  availability and cost of the  ingredients. This is the current list of common grain
  ingredients.  Each recipe contains a subset of these:

         •Shelled corn
         •Soybean meal
         •Flax meal
         •Alfalfa meal

  This is the current list of common mineral supplements. 
  The actual use varies from product to product

•Mineral premixes including 
 trace minerals and vitamins       
•ADM Pre-Mix Broiler
•Adm Pre-Mix Layer
•Copper oxide
•Dairy VIT
•Free Flow Calcium
•Mag Ox


•Manganese Oxide            
•Mineral Oil
•Potassium (Dynamate)
•Sea Kelp
•Vit A
•Vit D
•Vit E PRE.20,000 IU/#
•Zinc Oxide

Order by Phone, Fax or E-mail

Phone: 1-800-822-6671  Fax: 1-608-654-5696 


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