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Company Profile

ProQuest combines the strengths of two leading information companies, ProQuest Information and Learning and CSA.  When these companies merged in 2007, it was on the basis of their most compelling common value -- a deep and abiding commitment to serving libraries and librarians.   That passion, built on respect for the role of the library to illuminate, educate, and excite its community, no matter its composition, is both ProQuest's foundation and purpose for being.  ProQuest’s mission is to create innovative products and services that are valued by researchers – novice and expert – and the libraries which serve them.  As a company, ProQuest stands for the power of discovery through research, and its employees work to deliver on that promise every day.

ProQuest provides seamless access to and navigation of more than 125 billion digital pages of the world's scholarship, delivering it to the desktop and into the workflow of serious researchers in multiple fields, from arts, literature, and social science to science, technology, and medicine.

ProQuest's vast content pools are available to researchers through libraries of all types and include the world's largest digital newspaper archive; periodical databases comprising the output of more than 9,000 titles and spanning more than 500 years; the preeminent dissertation collection, and various other scholarly collections. Users access the information through the ProQuest® and CSA Illumina Web-based online information systems; Chadwyck-HealeyTM electronic and microform resources; UMI® microform and print reference products; eLibrary®, SIRS®, and CultureGramsTM educational resources; Ulrich's Serials Analysis SystemTM; COS Research Support Services, and Serials Solutions resource management tools. Through the expertise of business units Serials Solutions and COS, ProQuest provides technological tools that allow researchers and libraries to better manage and use their information resources.

ProQuest is part of Cambridge Information Group (