Welcome to the Official Website of the Town of Chili

In our ever-present effort to provide an open, transparent government, we have developed this website to act as a 'hub' of information for our residents. We plan to make every effort to keep the information on this website current and up-to-date, and we will strive to provide as much interesting and useful content on this site as we can.

We are striving to provide open communication and access to information for our residents. Using this website, our residents have access to a wealth of information without leaving their homes.  

If you need assistance or would like to share your views about an issue facing the town, you can e-mail David Dunning, Town Supervisor at ddunning@townofchili.org or call the Chili Town Hall offices at 889-3550.

(L-R) Dennis Schulmerich, Virginia Ignatowski, David
Dunning, Mary Sperr, Michael Slattery, and Richard Brongo.
2009 Preliminary Assessment Info PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 06 January 2009 13:06

The 2009 Preliminary Assessment information is now available online.  Residents can use this document to compare their assessment to the assessment of other properties within the Town.


The document is a PDF, and requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software available from www.adobe.com.

Chili Center Development Survey PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 22 December 2008 14:30

The Chili Center Development Ad Hoc Committee is seeking your input!  They have developed a survey to encourage community involvement in their study of the future of the Chili Center Area.

Click HERE to participate in the survey!

DMV at Town Hall PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 10 December 2008 09:33

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles mobile unit WILL NOT be at the Chili Town Hall on Tuesday, December 23rd.  They will return to their normal schedule on Tuesday, December 30th.

The DMV mobile unit is a service provided by the Monroe County Clerk where a mobile DMV office is setup in suburban town's to make it easier for area residents to conduct business with the DMV.  The mobile DMV unit is normally at the Chili Town Hall, 3333 Chili Avenue, every Tuesday.  Hours are from 10:00am to 3:00pm.

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