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IECA Committees

Environmental Connection Editorial Review Board

Current Issue Archives Instructions to Authors Copy Deadlines Editorial Review Board Editorial Review Guidelines

Environmental Connection, the quarterly publication for IECA members, is seeking members to serve on its Editorial Review Board. Editorial Reviewers are responsible for reviewing for technical accuracy all technical information published in IECA’s quarterly member publication, Environmental Connection, with the exception of information that has the official endorsement of an IECA committee. Editorial reviewers are not responsible for proofreading or critiquing the writing style of articles; these tasks are the responsibility of the paid editorial staff.

Reviews will be conducted in a double blind fashion, and reviewers will not communicate directly with authors. The paid editorial staff will serve as the liaison between authors and reviewers, and will work with authors to correct any errors.

Each Technology Section is being asked to contribute one member to the Editorial Review Board. If you are interested in serving on the Editorial Review Board, please contact Meg Tully, Editor, at


Reviewers review articles that are assigned to them by the Environmental Connection editor. Completed reviews need to be returned to the editorial office within one week after assignment for review.

Reviewers will be provided with a review form that they will complete for each manuscript they are assigned to review. If the two assigned reviewers are not in agreement as to the correctness or merit of a manuscript, the editor may assign additional reviewers.

Because this is a double blind review process, reviewers will not work directly with authors to correct errors or omissions that are noted; the staff editor will serve as the liaison between the reviewers and authors.

For more details, see the Editorial Review Guidelines published on the IECA web site. View the guidelines »


The term of this position is one year.


This is a volunteer (unpaid) position. The Editorial Reviewers will be acknowledged in Environmental Connection and on IECA's web site, and will have the opportunity to gain recognition among their peers.