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These data are available free-of-charge from CIESIN-sponsored ftp servers.

GIS Format
Central American Vegetation/Land Cover Classification and Conservation Status
This report assesses the degree to which both existing and proposed terrestrial protected area networks protect/would protect landscape-level biodiversity, which we represent as vegetation types delineated from remotely-sensed imagery. A comprehensive, standardized, and thematically appropriate map of [Central-American] vegetation and landcover types was developed by classifying AVHRR imagery (advanced very high resolution radiometer imagery—1 km2 resolution) using advanced digital image processing routines and expertise provided by a Central America Vegetation Working Group. The map identifies 17 remaining natural vegetation types. The classification accuracy of the map is estimated to exceed 80%.
China Dimensions Data Collection
This collection includes a variety of socioeconomic data, such as county-level geographic information system (GIS) databases, presented at a scale of 1:1,000,000.
Georeferenced Population Data Sets of Mexico
The Georeferenced Population Data Sets of Mexico consists of the following products: Population Database of Mexico; Urban Place, Time-Series Population Spreadsheet of Mexico; Urban Place GIS Coverage of Mexico; GIS Coverage of Mexican Localities; GIS Coverage of Mexican States; GIS Coverage of Mexican Municipalities; Raster Based GIS Coverage of Mexican Population; and GIS of Mexican states, municipalities, and islands.
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP)—alpha version
The Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) provides a new suite of data products that add urban-rural specification to the Gridded Population of the World (see below). This project was developed out of a need for researchers to be able to distinguish population spatially by urban and rural areas. The central data product resulting from GRUMP is called Gridded Population of the World with Urban Reallocation (GPW-UR) on a 1km grid. Additional datasets resulting from GRUMP include a land area grid showing urban areal extents worldwide and a database of human settlements, their spatial coordinates, and populations.
Global Geographical Distribution of Vulnerability to Climate Change
A report, and global distribution maps and data, available for download. Led by a team of scientists from four universities, this assessment seeks to advance the understanding of the nature of climate change risks and vulnerabilities.

Gridded Population of the World (GPW)version 3
Gridded Population of the World (GPW v3) is the third edition of a large-scale data product that demonstrates the spatial distribution of human populations across the globe. The purpose of the GPWv3 project is to provide a spatially disaggregated population layer that is compatible with datasets from social, economic, and earth science fields. The output is unique in that the distribution of human population is converted from national or subnational spatial units (usually administrative units) of varying resolutions, to a series of geo-referenced quadrilateral grids at a resolution of 2.5 arc minutes (~20 sq. km area at the equator). The data set provides estimates of the population of the world in 1995 and 2000, both population counts (raw counts) and population densities (per square km). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP)
A Web site describing global spatial data sets used to analyze global patterns in human consumption of net primary productivity (NPP). Data sets include a satellite-derived quarter-degree NPP grid; an intermediate model of human appropriation of NPP (low and high variants of HANPP were also produced but are not distributed here); and the HANPP as a percent of NPP. The spatial data are provided in raster GRID and compressed GeoTIFF formats. Raster cell sizes are one-quarter degree.

Human Footprint Data Set
This data set analyzes the geographic extent of human impacts on the environment. The analysis indicates that 83% of the earth's land surface is influenced directly by human beings, whether through human land uses, human access from roads, railways or major rivers, electrical infrastructure (indicated by lights detected at night), or direct occupancy by human beings at densities above 1 person per square kilometer. The “Human Footprint” data set is available in Band Interleaf (BIL) format. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Laguna Merin Data Collection
This collection of GIS, field data, and Landsat scenes representing Laguna Merin, a transboundary lake and wetland complex on the Brazil/Uruguay border, was produced under the Remote Sensing Technologies for Ecosystem Management Treaties project. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Last of the Wild Data Set
This data set was created to facilitate policy making aimed at conserving the last of the world's wild areas—those areas least influenced by human activities. From this website you can download the “Last of the Wild” data set in BIL and ArcInfo Exchange (.e00) formats.
Low Elevation Coastal Zone Urban-Rural Estimates
Country-level estimates were generated globally using Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) alpha population and land area data products and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived from Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) remote sensing data. The zone was derived from the DEM by selecting all land contiguous with the coast that was 10 meters or less in elevation. All grids (population, land area, urban mask and LECZ) are at 1 km (30 arc-second) resolution.

Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis
The study, Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis, published by the World Bank, produced a set of global geospatial data on six major natural hazards and associated risks of mortality and economic loss. From this Web site you can download the the global data sets in GIS formats.

Species Distribution Grids
This Web site provides a search facility for quickly locating and downloading 1-kilometer (30 arc-second) resolution grids of the distribution of species. Data are available for global amphibian distributions, and for birds and mammals in the Americas. SEDAC provides individual species distribution grids along with family grids that show the density and distribution of species within a given family.

Urban Landsat: Cities from Space
This Web site provides composite data products that facilitate characterizations of the physical properties of urban land cover. The data available for download include 78 JPEG images of various urban areas, as well as binary, raw input data for a subset (28 total) of these places. Each image shows a Landsat false color composite in UTM projection, collected by Landsat 5 (pre-1999) or Landsat 7. The R/G/B layers correspond to TM/ETM+ bands 7/4/2.

U.S. Census Grids
Comprised of gridded data sets for a wide variety of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of individuals, households, and housing units. The data are available at 30 arc-second resolution for the continental United States, the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; and at 7.5 arc-second resolution for the 50 largest metropolitan statistical areas.
U.S. PUMA Boundary Files
The PUMA (Public Use Microdata Sample Areas) boundary files consist of a 5% sample (apuma) and 1% sample (bpuma) areas for the mapping of 1990 PUMS (Public Use Microdata Samples) data covering the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. These boundary files were created based on equivalency files generated by "Geocorr," the geographic correspondence engine. A national census tract to PUMA geography correspondence file was used in merging the two files resulting in the PUMA geographies. An additional file is also available consisting of geographic centroids for the PUMA coverages calculated by UIC (Urban Information Center/ Office of Computing, University of Missouri).
U.S. TIGER files (Boundary files)
The boundary files contain census geographic entities extracted from the TIGER/Line Files, 1992. These data have been processed to create the following:
  • State boundary files for county, county subdivision (mcd), place, 1990 tract/block numbering area, blockgroup; and 1980 tract and mcd's (if available). The tract and blockgroup files are grouped by MSA (metropolitan statistical area) and CMSA (consolidated metropolitan statistical area).
  • County boundary files for all census blocks. Each census block is identified by a unique polygon identification field (POLID) which matches the POLID in the STF data.

Tabular Format

Archive of Census-Related Products
This FTP archive is a collection of georeferenced data files containing census information that spans the United States. It is comprised of boundary, standard extract, zip equivalency extract, enhanced migration, street intersection,and census block statistics files. Documentation describing the data and filename convention has been included, as well as programs to facilitate format conversion and platform portability. These data are value-added products derived from original census files compiled and distributed by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections
This compendium has 426 variables from six separate efforts, and useful ancillary data. Files are downloadable in CSV, SPSS, and Stata formats.

Environmental Performance Index
The EPI utilizes six policy categories—Environmental Health, Air Quality, Water Resources, Productive Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Habitat, and Climate Change—to track national-level progress towards internationally recognized environmental policy objectives. The 2008 version includes 149 countries.

Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)
The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is a measure of overall progress towards environmental sustainability for 146 countries. The ESI scores are based upon a set of 21 core "indicators," each of which combines two to six variables for a total of 76 underlying variables. The ESI permits cross-national comparisons of environmental progress in a systematic and quantitative fashion. It represents a first step towards a more analytically driven approach to environmental decision making.


Population, Landscape, and Climate Estimates (PLACE)—version two

The PLACE II data set provides, in tabular format (Excel or CSV), estimates of national-level aggregations for the following thematic areas: 1) biome; 2) climate; 3) coastal proximity; 4) elevation; and 5) population density. It permits easy comparisons across countries on such measures as the number of persons living within 100 kilometers of a coast, the percent of territory above 2,000 meters, and the number of persons living within different climatic zones.

This page last modified: Sep 12, 2008