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The American Farm Bureau® Foundation for Agriculture continues to expand its agricultural literacy efforts with the latest edition of our recommended book list. As with all of our efforts, the focus is to identify more accurate information about agriculture. Because of this focus, the majority of books are non-fiction.

The newly expanded list contains 160 recommended books for ages two through adult. Each book on the recommended list has been reviewed and is as accurate a book on the topic as we can identify. This does not mean that every book is perfect. There may be minor problems. It is almost impossible to find a book that is completely without flaw. With the newly revised list we describe those flaws and identify areas which need to be discussed as “teachable moments.”  This is actually a very good lesson for students of all ages to learn that just because a statement is in print does not make it true. Learning this lesson is probably more important today than ever before.  Overall, however, the books recommended depict agriculture accurately and with modern images and text. We have also worked to ensure that the books are free from stereotypes as much as possible.
Each listing provides the book title, author, International Standard Book Number (ISBN), retail cost, age levels best served by this book and a description. You will find any flaws the book may have and what areas may need to be addressed in this description.

We will be adding to this list and have additional plans for this effort in the future. So check the list on a regular basis to keep your own recommendations up to date.

View the recommended book list.


This 20-minute video for students in grades 7-12 explores biotechnology through the eyes of Julian as he creates a PowerPoint presentation for science class. When a frustrated Julian contacts his on-line friend Cora for help she enlists her uncle Vince, a farmer familiar with biotechnology. During an instant on-line message Uncle Vince refers Julian to scientists with expertise in food science, genomics, plant genetics, and crop molecular biology. Using their leads, Julian assembles video clips about biotechnology for his report. The fast paced video explores an array of biotechnologies being developed for use in medicine, fuel production, nutrition, and feeding a hungry planet. The video provides a comprehensive overview to introduce the topic of biotechnology.

Follow this link to order the video.

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  Agriculture Beyond 2000

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