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IECA Photo Gallery

2005 Contest Winners

8th Annual Photo Contest

We would like to thank everyone who submitted photos this year and congratulations to the winners!!! These photos were on display at EC05 IECA's 36th Conference and Expo, Wyndham Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas, USA February 20-23, 2005.

Click on the thumbnail to see the photo in a larger size.

Impacts of Erosion & Sediment Control

Judging Criteria

  • Degree of environmental impact - what is the effect on water or air quality?
  • Degree of social impact - what is the effect on property, human life, infrastructure, etc.?
"Slope of the Dead" Human shaped rill erosion. It gives a sense that erosion is taking life away.
Submitted by:Aloisio Pereira, Deflor Bioengenharia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Aloisio Pereira
Location: Joao Pinheiro, Brazil
Date/Year taken: July 2002
An accident waiting to happen. This site is surrounded by residential housing. No workers on site. These kids were supposed to be playing in their yard.
Submitted by: Lynne Burrell, MS Dept of Environmental Quality, Oxford, MS
Photographer: Lynn Burrell
Location: Herando, MS
Date/Year taken: June 2004
Debris from Pueblo Canyon, piled against a trash screen at the end of a gabion lined channel, drop structure and silt basin with MSE walls.
Submitted by:Matt Showan, Macafferri Inc, Williamsport, MD

Photographer: Rob Myers
Location: Los Alamos, NM
Date/Year taken: August 2003

Technology in Action

Judging Criteria

  • Identification of Technology - is it obvious what technology is being used?
  • Degree of Action - does the photo show a process or merely a completed installation?
Gully erosion occurred directly adjacent to where the erosion control blanket installation ended, while little or no erosion occurred where the blanket protected the soil.
Submitted by:Kurt Kelsey, American Excelsior Co
Photographer: John Slupecki
Location: Pace, Fl
Date/year taken: February 2004

A gabion dam was constructed to control the stormwater from a 160,000 acre catchment which had caused severe erosion at this headwater to the Rio Puerco, NM
Submitted by:Matt Showan, Macafferri Inc, Williamsport, MD
Photographer: Steve Sullivan
Location: West Cornfield Dam, Rio Puerco, NM
Date/year taken: Summer 2003

  Sediment from a corn field was regularly flowing onto a roadway. The installation of BMP's resolved the problem and stopped phone calls from complaining neighbors.
Submitted by:Saskia van Woudenberg, Nilex Corporation, Centennial, CO
Anna Coplen
Location: Harford County, MD
Date/Year taken: February 2004
  Polyethylene ditch liner is being used in place of concrete to prevent acequia erosion and significant water loss.
Submitted by: Tim Williams, Penda Corporation, Portage, WI
Location: San Cristobal, NM
Date/year taken: October 2004

The Challenge of Erosion Control

Judging Criteria

  • Degree of Difficulty - how insurmountable is the problem?
  • Degree of Creativity - how unique is the solution?
there are people working on this slope California Conservation Corps crews install fiber rolls on steep slopes in the Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area. The slope was also graded, "trackwalked" and seeded after a national off-road motorcycle event.
Submitted by: Laurie Barnes, Salix Applied Earthcare, Redding, CA
Photographer: John McCullah
Location: Carnegie OHV-SVRA Park, Livermoore, CA
Date/Year taken: October 2002
Aggressive erosion threatened properties and city services. Gabion faced MSE structures re-used on-site material as structural backfill to minimize environmental impacts and reduce project costs.
Submitted by: Matt Showan,Maccaferri Inc., Williamsport, MD
Photographer:Larry Larson
Location: Northwestern Ave, Little Wekiva River, Orlando, FL
Date/Year taken: March 2004

Before and After

Judging Criteria

  • Photo alignment - are the photos taken from exactly the same place?
  • How much change is shown - how dramatic is the After photo compared to the Before photo?
Road cut steep slope with severe erosion process. Treated with bioengineering technology, RECP's and sediment retainers.
Submitted by: Aloisio Pereira, Deflor Bioengenharia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Photographer: Aloisio Pereira
Location: Betim, Brazil
Date/Year taken: Before - Sept 1997 and After - Dec 1997
These photos show a newly constructed pedestrian and bicycle path that run along a portion of this river on the slopes of the riverbank. Cable Concrete was used for erosion and overflow protection and to allow vegetation over growth.
Submitted by: Charlie Chase, International Erosion Control Systems, Canada
Charlie Chase
Location:Thames in London, Ontario
Date/Year taken: Before - Oct 2001 and After - Aug 2002
  A 1:100 year storm threatened properties adjacent to Tucker Gulch. Traditional gabion retaining structures were used to support and protect the channel for the future.
Submitted by:Matt Showan, Maccaferri Inc,Williamsport, MD
Photographer: Steve Bertolini
Location: City of Golden, CO (Tucker Gulch)
Date/Year taken: Spring 2004 and Winter 2004
  Exceptional storm water flows washed out a segmental blockwork wall. A traditional gabion retaining structure with mattress scour protection reinstated this slope and retains the car park above.
Submitted by:Matt Showan,Maccaferri Inc,Williamsport, MD
Photographer: Matt Showan & John Parrish
Location: Raleigh, NC
Date/Year taken: Before - June 2003 After - June 2004
  Highway cuts in decomposed granite are very challenging soils to stabilize. Several trial measures were installed, including a soil-filled gabion toe wall, geotextile "flaps", compost admixtures and assorted bioengineering techniques.
Submitted by:Laurie Barnes, Salix Applied Earthcare, Redding, CA
Photographer: Daria Hoyer (before) John McCullah (after)
Location: Highway 299W Buckhorn Summit
Date/Year taken: October 2002 (before) December 2004 (after)
  Before: An acequia used for irrigation suffers from severe erosion causing significant water loss.
After: Polyethylene ditch liner installed, providing significant erosion control and water retention.
Submitted by: Tim Williams, Penda Corporation, Portage, WI
Ed Suazo
Location: San Cristobal, NM
Date/Year taken: October 2004