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IECA Photo Gallery

Photo Contest Information

Do you have some great photos from the job site? Have you seen brilliant ideas? Or witnessed things going terribly wrong? Enter your photos in the IECA photo contest. Selected photos will appear at Environmental Connection and voting will take place at the conference. Winning photos receive ribbons and will be posted on the IECA website. Photos may be also featured in the members’ only publication Environmental Connection, or in EROSION CONTROL JOURNAL.

How to Enter

Complete the application form (84 KB .pdf) and return it with your photo(s) to the address listed at the bottom of the application. The file requirements can cause files to be large. Emailing these large files can be difficult. For files over 1MB, please place your photos on a disk and mail them to IECA.


Entering the IECA photos contest is FREE! So, send in those pictures.

Categories and Judging Criteria

Before and After

Submit two photos for each entry in this category one Before and one After

  • Photo alignment - are the photos taken from exactly the same place?
  • How much change is shown - how dramatic is the After photo compared to the Before photo?

Impacts of Erosion and Sediment

  • Degree of environmental impact - what is the effect on water or air quality?
  • Degree of social impact - what is the effect on property, human life, infrastructure, etc.

Technology in Action

  • Identification of Technology - is it obvious what technology is being used?
  • Degree of Action - does the photo show a process or merely a completed installation?

Erosion Control Bloopers

We are looking for high quality photos. This means your photo(s) should be sharp, well-focused with proper lighting. Photos that are out of focus, too dark, too light, grainy or otherwise unclear will not be competitive. We are also looking for photos that tell an obvious story. If we cannot tell what’s going on in your photo, it will not be a contender!

Photo File Requirements

  1. Photos must be submitted electronically on CD or disk.
  2. Photo resolution must be 300 or higher. The higher the resolution, the better your image will appear.
  3. Photos will be accepted only in .tif, .gif or bitmap formats.

For questions about the photo contest, please contact IECA at

View this year's winners »