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Current Papers Types and Descriptions Become an Author

Types of IECA Policy Papers

There are numerous types of papers in use by various organizations. The definitions and purposes of many of these types overlap and can vary from organization. The following definitions are used by IECA.

Position Statement

A Position Statement is a carefully prepared expression on crucial, broad and recurrent issues relating to the work and mission of association members, which represents the association’s view. It is the result of thorough study of an issue, and advocates particular actions or expresses a definite opinion. A Position Statement defines the association’s official policy on a specific subject.

In addition to setting forth the association’s policy on a topic, a Position Statement includes background information and discussion in order to provide a more complete understanding of the issues involved and the rationale behind the position(s) set forth. A Position Statement frequently cites outside sources and may include a bibliography.

A Position Statement reflects topics of shared concern and consensus among the membership and provides guidance for the Chapters, staff, and Board of Directors. Position Statement concepts or language are incorporated into local policies and procedures.

Consensus Statement

A Consensus Statement is a Position Statement that has been developed and endorsed by multiple agencies.

Discussion Paper

A Discussion Paper is an authoritative report on a major issue, as by a team of journalists, which has been prepared to attempt to more fully explain a specific topic. It is distinguished from a Position Statement in that it does not express an opinion—it is an unbiased presentation of the facts that provides balanced information. A Discussion Paper would typically present both the pros and cons of a particular issue.

A Discussion Paper does not stand by itself as a statement of association policy but may be used to formulate policy.

Policy Statement

A Policy Statement is a straight-forward statement or declaration of association policy on a particular topic or topics. Such statements usually are short and concise and do not include background information or discussion relative to the policy. A Policy Statement generally would not quote facts and figures developed by outside sources and would not utilize a bibliography.

Good Practices

Good Practices are commonly-accepted practices within the profession. Good Practices may be formulated by outside agencies and organizations and endorsed by the association.

View the procedure for developing an IECA policy paper »

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