Welcome to the Delta Protection Commission

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Delta Protection Commission

The mission of the Delta Protection Commission is to adaptively protect, maintain, and where possible, enhance and restore the overall quality of the Delta environment consistent with the Delta Protection Act, and the Land Use and Resource Management Plan for the Primary Zone. This includes, but is not limited to, agriculture, wildlife habitat, and recreational activities. The goal of the Commission is to ensure orderly, balanced conservation and development of Delta land resources and improved flood protection.

Delta News


DPC Management Plan Update

The Delta Protection Commission seeks to update its Land Use and Resource Management Plan (Management Plan). The plan, originally adopted on February 23, 1995, outlines the long-term land use requirements for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Based on a variety of significant events and changing needs, the need for the update is timely and essential.

Delta Vision

Delta Vision

Delta Vision is intended to identify a strategy for managing the Sacramento-San Joaqin Delta as a sustainable ecoysystem that would continue to support environmental & economic functions that are critical to the people of California. The DPC is represented on the Stakeholder Committee and on the Planning Team.

Delta Emergency Response & Preparedness

Delta Emergency Response & Preparedness

In collaboration with the Governor's Office of Emergency Services and the Delta Counties Emergency Response Team, the DPC is facilitating Delta-wide coordination and planning for effective emergency preparedness and response across jurisdictional boundaries.

DPC Planning Process for Delta Ag Conservation Easement Program

DPC Planning Process for Delta Ag Conservation Easement Program

Consistent with Delta protection and planning policies, the Delta Protection Commission (DPC) has initiated a process for development of a Delta-wide agricultural conservation easement program.

Abandoned Vessel Removal

The DPC has facilitated discussions among the five Delta Counties and other partners to address the growing environmental and enforcement problems of abandoned vessels in the Delta.  

National Heritage Areas

A place designated by the United States Congress where natural, cultural, historic and recreational resources combine to form a cohesive, nationally-distinctive landscape arising from patterns of human activity shaped by geography.

Lower Yolo Bypass Planning Forum

The Lower Yolo Bypass is the southern most portion of Yolo Bypass (Bypass)including Prospect and Liberty Island, Little Holland Tract, Ryer Island, Egbert Tract and other adjacent properties. The Bypass is a leveed, 59,000-acre floodplain on the west side of the lower Sacramento River in California’s Yoloand Solano Counties. Located within the boundaries and levees of the SacramentoRiver Flood Control Project, the Bypass carries floodwaters from several northern California waterways to the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta (Delta).

The Great California Delta Trail

The Great California Delta Trail

Recoginizing the unique natural resources of the Sacramento-San Joaqin Delta, the growing demands for public access to these resources, and the increasing recognition of the importance of outdoor recreation in addressing childhood obesity, the California Legislature passed, and the Governor signed, Senate Bill 1556 (Senator Torlakson) supporting the creation of a Delta trail network. The DPC has been mandated to facilitate and complete the feasibility and planning process for the Trail.

Delta Working Landscapes

Delta Working Landscapes

The project promotes ways to assist farmers in integrating agricultural activities with ecosystem restoration. The DPC has a collaborative partnership with Ducks Unlimited, The Nature conservancy, Hart Restoration Inc., local landowners and reclamation districts.

Delta Mercury TMDL Status

Delta Mercury TMDL Status

The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board is currently developing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) value for mercury in the Delta. The DPC has convened a Mercury Collaborative to provide input into the process.

2007 Coastal Cleanup Hog Island

2008 Coastal Cleanup