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This is your information and services gateway to Sutter County, California.

Select a channel of interest in the menu to the left or the image links below to traverse this website from the perspective of a resident, worker, business or visitor. Select the Government channel for a classic organizational perspective. For emergency information and assistance select the Emergency channel. Two adjunct channels, Online Services and Website Help & Information, provide quick access to online County services and website help respectively.

General Plan Update
Click for more information on the General Plan Update. The General Plan Update is a joint effort between the County, its residents, and its businesses to create a shared vision for the future of Sutter County. A special section of this website is devoted to the General Plan Update.

The General Plan is a long-range document that sets forth broad goals and policies for the growth and conservation of the County. More information is available on the General Plan Update section of this site.

Flood Protection
Click for more information on Flood Protection. The Board of Supervisors and Yuba City Council are committed to improve flood protection for Sutter County residents. A special section of this website is devoted to flood protection.

A recent study session on flood management outlined the topics of regional flooding, flood response, flood management, and the steps ahead. This information and more is available on the Flood Protection section of this site.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) produced a Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map and Flood Insurance Study Report for Sutter County (Unincorporated Areas). View the FEMA Preliminary Flood Insurance Study Maps.

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