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Welcome to Atascadero
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 25 June 2008 )
Atascadero is located in the heart of the Central Coast, offering a blend of natural beauty and rural lifestyle. Its comfortable climate and atmosphere are influenced by the beautiful Pacific Ocean on the West, and also by the Salinas River and open countryside to the East. Local scenery includes oak-studded hills, creeks, and scenic vistas of the Santa Lucia Mountains.
Preliminary Draft Storm Water Plan and Informational Forum
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 30 December 2008 )
In compliance with directives from the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, the City has developed a Preliminary Draft Storm Water Management Plan. The Plan can be downloaded by Clicking on this Link. The Plan was developed in conformance with Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II and State of California Storm Water Requirements. The plan addresses the following six minimum control measures for Storm Water:
1. Public Education and Outreach
2. Public Participation
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
5. Post Construction Storm Water Management
6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
The City will be hosting a public informational forum on December 17, 2008, 6 pm, City Council Chambers, to discuss and gather written comments on the Preliminary Draft Storm Water Plan. Citizens who are unable to attend can submit comments to City staff by clicking here. An informational flyer can be downloaded by clicking here.
State of California Issues New Draft Septic System Rules
Last Updated ( Thursday, 11 December 2008 )
The State Water Resources Control Board has made available, for review and comment, the Assembly Bill 885 (AB 885) Draft Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (Septic System) proposed regulations, proposed statewide conditional waiver of waste discharge requirements, and draft environmental impact report. The full texts of the proposed regulations, the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and the Initial Statement of Reasons are posted on the State Water Resources Control Board’s website. The proposed waiver and draft environmental impact report are posted and are also available for review.

All interested persons can download and review this documentation. In addition, the State has placed a copy of the draft environmental impact report at the San Luis Obispo County Library in San Luis Obispo. The State of California will be accepting comments on the proposed regulations prior to its Board Meeting on February 9, 2009, in Sacramento. In addition, the state will be holding public meetings around the state to solicit public input. Please refer to the Information on the State Water Resources Control Board’s website for meeting times and places
City of Atascadero Economic Development
Last Updated ( Monday, 15 December 2008 )
In April, the City Council launched a process to update the City’s economic development strategy. The Council hired Applied Development Economics (ADE) of Walnut Creek to conduct the process. ADE has held a series of community forums, public workshops and individual interviews to gather important data and information. As part of the strategy, consultants mailed written survey forms to all Atascadero residents regarding their current shopping habits and the location of current shopping destinations. Information gathered through the survey is one of the factors used by ADE in updating the City’s economic-development strategy. In order to gather additional input, a public workshop was held on Saturday November 22, at the Colony Park Community Center. The information presented by ADE at this workshop is posted below. A link will be available on the ADE website (see panel at right) for public input through mid-December for those who were unable to attend the workshop but would still like to contribute their suggestions and ideas.
Del Rio Road Specific Plan Area including the Wal-Mart and The Annex Applications
Last Updated ( Monday, 20 October 2008 )
As directed by the City Council, staff is currently working with the project applicants to prepare a scope of work and request for proposals by qualified planning and environmental consultants for the proposed projects. The applicants are currently re-evaluating and a report to City Council on the current status of the proposals is expected to be presented by staff in August. Issues regarding the project scope, draft request for proposals, consultant selection process, community workshops, and project study area will be discussed at this meeting.
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