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Results: 1,000+ Reading Lesson Plans

Showing 1 - 10 of 1,000+

Grade Range
Higher Ed
3 Stars

Students discover the four basic steps of the K-W-L+ reading strategy and how to apply those steps to current and future reading assignments. After a lecture/demo, students practice applying this technique. Full Review »

Grade Range
4 Stars

Students engage in developing schemes for experiencing unfamiliar situations. They take turns reading the story aloud and discuss the answers they predicted concerning the three important events and examine whether their answers followed the story. Full Review »

Grade Range
Kindergarten - 12th
3 Stars

Students explain the three steps to the KWL reading strategy. They utilize the KWL comprehension strategy when they read to help them explain what they have read. Full Review »

Grade Range
6th - 12th
3 Stars

Students demonstrate the jigsaw strategy by individually reading different selections of a text, and then coming together to share what they have learned. Full Review »

Grade Range
6th - 8th
3 Stars

Students experience authors, genre, and enjoyment of independent reading. Full Review »

Grade Range
Kindergarten - 6th
3 Stars

Students participate in a yearlong at-home reading program. Reading is monitored through reading response activities, reading folders, a bulletin board that tracks student progress, and prizes. Full Review »

Grade Range
1st - 3rd
3 Stars

Students are asked to identify the five grains and the types of food they eat. They read two articles about rice and even make rice recipes later in the lesson. Full Review »

Grade Range
4th - 6th
3 Stars

Students read a paragraph and reconstruct it based on the instructions from the teacher. After summarizing the article, students discuss the process in a large group setting. Full Review »

Grade Range
1st - 12th
3 Stars

Students read a story about David Beckham. They answer comprehension questions and study vocabulary words with the prefix un. Full Review »

Grade Range
1st - 12th
3 Stars

Students talk about what they like and do not like to read. They are assigned a new partner and they try to pick a book their original partner would like. Full Review »