Supreme Neem Oil 100% Pure Wild-Crafted Neem Oil, 1800 ppm Azadirachtin
Seeds for the 2009 growing season are now available

Free seed pack with every order: Heirloom Tomato, Genovese Basil or Arugula

Plant Your Garden with Heirloom Tomatoes
and our expanding selection of Veggie seeds

Just say no to GMO'S- We Do!
We took and honor the safe seed pledge

Fresh seeds for the 2009 season
are available now

Heirloom tomatoes are so delicious- there's nothing that compares!

Tomato seeds are $1.79 per pack unless other  wise indicated.

Select Salad Fixins' and Veggies

Try Sweet Pickle Peppers: A sensational, delicious, ornamental, edible pepper plant

We have been growing heirloom tomatoes for over 17 years and have some "new" rare varieties to offer you for 2009. We PKingSeed.jpg (2989 bytes) want these varieties to live on and we are offering as many seeds as we can of each one. Seeds come in ziplock pouch with specific instructions on growing, variety and some background on origin. You can reuse the bag for your future seeds. If you are ordering early we suggest you store your seeds in the refrigerator until you are ready to plant them. This is the best way for the home grower to store tomato seeds.

The plants the seeds come from were organically grown during the 2008 season. By organically grown we mean: only natural fertilizer is used, our soil is amended with our own plant based organic compost. If needed we use only organically approved insect control. Several of the varieties we offer have not been available in the USA before. We use our own Golden Harvest Fertilizer and C-Spray on these crops. The seeds from the best tomatoes are harvested, fermented, cleaned, dried and put in cold storage. The reason we ferment the seeds is to eradicate possibility of disease, to remove the gel around the seeds which has a germination inhibitor in it and to give you the healthiest seeds possible. We take our tomatoes seriously at Golden Harvest Organics!

Take a look at our seed starting tips for some basic advice

  • Click on the name of variety to view pictures if available

  • Each variety has 20 plus seeds per pack unless otherwise stated

  • When the seed variety says "sold out" please don't order

  • Planting Dates for Southern Zones

Amish Paste: Medium, red, oxheart shape, 85 days. A good yielding variety with heart shaped, deep red-orange fruits. Originally from Lancaster, Pennsylvania dating back to the 1900's. Amish Paste has a thick red flesh with few seeds and a slightly tart flavor. Great for sauces, pastes, drying and tasty enough to eat fresh. Produces well in both drought and wet conditions! Many growers consider Amish Paste to be the ultimate in sauce type tomatoes and we agree. 20 seeds per pack

WARNING: These tomatoes are addictive!

Amana Orange: Large, orange beefsteak, 80 - 85 days, indeterminate. Amana Orange produces large, slightly oblate, orange beefsteak fruits that are high in lycopene.  The rich taste is superior with a medium sweet yet full bodied tomato flavor. Its yields are moderate, yet the great taste and attractive fruit make it a natural for any garden. It's a great keeper and can last several weeks at room temperature when picked before full ripeness. A USA heirloom tomato that got it's name from the Amana Colonies of the state of  Iowa. 20 seeds per pack

Ananas Noire (French for Black Pineapple): Large multi-colored beefsteak, 80 days, indeterminate. Developed in Belgium by horticulturist Pascal Moreau. Fruits weigh an average of 1 1/2 lbs. The skin is a spectrum of colors with deep red-purple, green, a bit of yellow and splashes of pinkish red. The meat is olive to neon green with ribbons of vivid pink. Ananas has a taste that is as complex as it's colors. Sweet, fruity and rich, with a spicy tang and hint of smoky flavor. It's the fruity flavor that hits you first when you eat one and it ends with a delightful tomato taste. A little salt makes the flavors come alive even more so. This is one delightful "black" tomato. The plants will get large with high yields. Chosen in our 2008 taste test as the favorite for hamburgers, veggie burgers and sandwiches. 20 seeds per pack

Ararat Flamed: Medium, fire engine red, 65-70 days,  indeterminate, very rare. Love at first bite with this one! 4 oz. fruits. Ararat is from originally from Debrecen, Hungary. Rich full bodied tomato flavor. Bursting with juicy sweet, tangy flavor. One of the best fresh eating and salad tomatoes and excellent for market growers. We got 30 lbs. from one plant! A must have for any tomato grower. Superb for market growers too. 20 seeds per pack

Arkansas Traveler: (proper name is Traveler tomato): Medium, pink, indeterminate, 85-90 days.  A mildly sweet, exceptionally tasty, pink tomato. Very juicy with a thin skin. Developed by Dr. Joe McFerren and named after a folk song called the "Arkansas Traveler". This one can can be grown anywhere and will stand up to heat and humidity of the South, producing even when temperatures are in the triple digits! Excellent market tomato. 20 seeds per pack

Aunt Ruby's German Green: 80 days, Beefsteak, green, indeterminate. What a tomato! Bright green flesh with a slight pink blush at the blossom end when mature. Fruits weighing in at 1 pound or more. Spicy but sweet and juicy. A real treat for the palate and eyes. Aunt Ruby's performs quite well in high heat areas. 20 seeds per pack

Big Rainbow Tomato: 80-85 days, beefsteak, bi-color, indeterminate.  A spectacular large beefsteak with slight ribbing. Big Rainbow has an mottled orange and red exterior with brilliant colored gold and red meat. A low-acid, firm, meaty tomato. Packs a good old-fashioned, juicy tomato taste. Big Rainbow has vigorous vines and good disease resistance. 20 seeds per pack

Bijskij Zeltyi: Plum, indeterminate, 70 days, very rare. Most unusual reddish-pink, plum type tomato with a slightly pointed end. Medium 3-4 oz fruits. Originally from Germany. Just a plain delicious tomato with a sweet, rich, intense tomato flavor. Very high yields on sturdy vines. Grow in greenhouse or outdoors. Perfect for drying, canning, fresh eating. Big seller for market growers. 20 seeds per pack

Black Cherry: Small, indeterminate, 75 days. A dusky purple with brown coloring and nice clusters. What a delight this cherry tomato turned out to be! It is sweet yet has a touch of the rich flavor of the big black tomatoes. Very attractive fruit and perfect for salads and a fresh treat! You just have to try it.
20 Seeds per pack

Black From Tula: Beefsteak, indeterminate, 75-80 days. A rosy-brown  tomato with green shoulders that hails from Russia with good yields. It's Russian name is "Czerno Tulski Tomat". Fruits weigh in at 6-12 oz. We had a few reach 18 oz. The skin coloring extends into the fruit and is very attractive. A sweet, fruity, outstanding tasting tomato with a creamy texture and a bit of a salty, slightly smoky taste. It does exhibit a bit of shoulder cracking. Black From Tula will set fruit remarkably well even in hot weather. 20 seeds per pack

Black Krim: Beefsteak, 75-80 days. Deep reddish brown fruit with bright red meat and chartreuse green seeds- as delicious as it is beautiful. Robust, smoky, spicy flavor with a bit of saltiness. It's Russian name is "Czerno Krimski". It does tend to crack some but once you taste them you won't care! Harvesting note: Krims have the best taste when they are at the half green and still firm stage. This is when they should be harvested. Hails from the Isle of Krim in the Black Sea. Suitable for greenhouse growing too. 20 seeds per pack  

Black Plum: Plum, indeterminate, rich reddish-brown, 78 to 80 days. Small plum tomatoes with a sweet, smooth and fruity flavor. These are the kind that you love to pop in your mouth when you are working in the garden and are superb for salads too. Big six foot plus vines with loads of fruit! 20 seeds per pack

Wonderful flavors! Promote biodiversity

Black Russian:  Medium, round, black, indeterminate. 69-75 days. This an old Russian heirloom and not to be confused with "Russian Black" which is a beefsteak variety. We had no disease problems and the fruits were almost blemish free. Heavy producer and early! Dark mahogany-brown tomatoes that average about 4 oz. Fruit is smooth, taste is sweet, spicy and slightly salty- exceptional! Black Russian is a must for black tomato fans and those who like a complex flavor in their tomatoes. 20 seeds per pack

Black Sea Man: 70 to 75 days, determinate. Medium to fairly large slightly flattened fruit, mid-sized plant with potato leaves. Black Seaman is of Ukrainian origin. The fruit is Mahogany colored with olive shoulders and when sliced display a stunning inside coloration It has a dense center that makes it perfect for slicing and eating on sandwiches. May be successfully grown in containers. 20 seeds per pack

Brandywine Classic Pink: 90-100 days, indeterminate, large fruit.  This  classic Amish brandywine heirloom tomato dates back to 1885 and was named after the Brandywine Creek in Pennsylvania, where it was first grown. It is considered to be one of the finest flavored large tomatoes ever offered. Creamy texture, thin skin and wonderful brandywine flavor. Plants are potato leafed. Yields are good producing extra-large, firm, rosy pink fruits weighing from 12 ounces to 1-1/2 pounds. Performs quite well in high heat areas. 20 seeds per pack

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Brandywine Yellow: 90 days, indeterminate, large yellow-orange fruit. Another great tomato with large potato leaves that has both a beautiful smooth skin and slightly flattened shape. Fruits weigh from 12 to 24 ounces. The taste is rich, complex and creamy. A real winner! 20 seeds per pack

Caspian Pink: 80 days, semi-determinate, beefsteak, pink with curly leaves. A WINNER: Tied for 1st place with Snow White Cherry in our 2007 taste tests! Caspian Pink hails from Southern Russia and was discovered in Petoseed Company by an employee shortly after the cold war ended along the shores of the Caspian Sea. The fruit is a pinkish-red color weighing from 11 oz and up and is is oblate shaped. The fruits ripen from the bottom of the plant up. Pick when the top "shoulders" have turned pink. It has been called by many as "The Queen of Pinks". This wonderful tomato is meaty, succulent, juicy and ultra-sweet. This is one tomato that does not fall off the plant, you have to snip  them off. Caspian always passes our taste tests with flying colors! 20 seeds per pack

Ceylon, Rare: 70 days, indeterminate, miniature orange-red beefsteak. How about big tomato flavor in a tiny package? If you are a fan of that rich beefsteak flavor than Ceylon tomatoes are for you. The fruits are disc shaped, weigh from 1-3 ounces and look a bit like little pumpkins. The plants topped out around 5 feet for us and fruit set was incredible. The tomatoes started to ripen early and kept on trooping in the heat and right until the first frost. The flavor starts out with an juicy note of sweetness and ends with a clean assertive tomato flavor. We just fell in love with Ceylon tomatoes and had a hard time stopping everyone from snacking on them in the field! 20 seeds per pack

Cherokee Purple: 80 days, indeterminate, large fruit. The vines of  Cherokee Purple is an heirloom possibly over 100 years old and was said to be grown by the Cherokee Indians. It bears up to 12 ounce globular to slightly oblate shaped fruits with a dusky rose-brownish coloring,  purple undertones, green shoulders and dark red flesh. Regular tomato leaves with fairly high production of tomatoes. It can have some concentric cracking. The taste is excellent and has been compared to Brandywine. It is sweet, with a rich somewhat smoky taste. Always tops at our taste tests year after year! Cherokee Purple performs quite well in high heat areas. Though it is an indeterminate the vines don't get out of control. The fruit must be eaten pretty quick when mature. 20 seeds per pack

Emerald Evergreen: 72 days, indeterminate. Green ripening to stunning neon green, inside and out with pale yellow streaks. The fruits can get up to two pounds. The excitement surrounding this tomato is well earned. It is richly flavored, spicy with a delicate underlying tang, and sweet creamy solid flesh. Wonderful for frying when unripe, which increases its sugar content. When ripe it makes fantastic green salsa and is perfect for fresh eating. 20 seeds per pack

Glacier: 50 days, semi-determinate. Glacier originated in Sweden. Sets fruit well even in cold weather and very early in the season with flavorful, 2 to 3 oz. golf ball size red tomatoes. It can start flowering when only 4" high! Sweet yet rich full tomato flavor. Good choice for short seasons, coastal and redwood locations, as well as hot areas!!! Potato-leaved foliage. Glacier is said to set the standard for early, flavorful tomatoes and we agree. It is right up there taste-wise with our delicious and also early Moskvich tomato. With good disease resistance and abundant yields, this variety should be in the plans of every gardener especially the short season gardener. 20 seeds per pack

Golden Roma Italian: 70 days, determinate. Golden yellow plum shape, 1 1/2 x 3 inch fruit on compact determinate plants. Heavy producer and tomatoes have very few seeds. Sweet, meaty, delightful. It gets more of a light orange color to it when cooked. Wonderful for salads, salsa, canning, sauces, freezing and drying! One of our bestsellers. 20 seeds per pack.

Great White: Beefsteak, indeterminate, 85 days. Large beefsteak fruit weighing from 1 lb to 1 lb 4 ounces!  Fruits are sweet, juicy, low acid and have a terrific exotic melon like flavor. You will love it. Great White has very few seeds. Prolific harvests, healthy plants with dense foliage that protects against sunscald on fruit. This white tomato will have a pink hue at the blossom end when ripe. This is one you must try. It is delightful! 20 seeds per pack

Take a look at our seed starting tips for some interesting advice

Green Zebra: 78 days, medium round, indeterminate. These fruits are 3 ounce,  green and stippled with darker green stripes and an amber to yellow background color with emerald green meat when mature. What a surprise the wonderful Green Zebra is! They have an intense tomato flavor and are wonderfully sweet with a slightly tart undertone. They are practically immune to cracking. Green Zebra is the favorite of many heirloom growers. 20 seeds per pack

Japanese Black Trifele: 75 days, indeterminate,  potato leafed. The Japanese Black Trifele tomato is from Russia! This rare tomato is unmistakable. There's nothing else like it. They are the size and shape of a Bartlett pear with purplish mahogany skin and green shoulders. Beautiful. These plants bear an incredible amount of fruit. They have an extraordinary, sublime rich taste. Unlike many other black varieties, the tomatoes are blemish free and not subject to cracking. One of the darkest black tomato varieties available. However you want to use this tomato, fresh or cooked you will love it as much as we do. 20 seeds per pack

Mahgrebi: 75-80 days, rare, Medium size red determinate. We are so pleased to be able to offer Mahgrebi to our customers again! Round shaped with regular leaves. 2 1/2 fruits weighing in at 5-7 oz each. Mahgrebi is one of the best tomatoes we have ever grown for it's all around versatility. It has a fantastic flavor- tangy, sweet, juicy and very meaty. It crops around mid to late in the season but is well worth the wait! It is perfect for fresh eating, salads, salsas, canning, stuffing- you name it. Mahgrebi hails from Morocco. The original seeds were saved from a tomato while it was being eaten! Mahgrebi can handle hot or cold areas. 20 seeds per pack

Manalucie: Rare, 82 days, indeterminate, medium to dark red, globe shape. Developed by J.M. Walter in 1953. A major breeding achievement due to its multiple disease resistance and fruit quality. Plant produces good yields of flavorful 8 ounce, red, meaty, smooth globe shaped tomatoes. Plant has heavy foliage protecting the tomatoes from areas that have intense heat. Manalucie does well in many climates and is great for Southern growers as it will keep flowering and setting fruit when temperatures go above 90 degrees. 20 seeds per pack

Marianna's Peace: Rare, 80 days, beefsteak, indeterminate. Large potato-leaved plant with 1 lb and larger deep pink-reddish fruit. A family heirloom that originated from early 1900's Czechoslovakia. The flavor is irresistible- perfect sugar to acid ratio and full of that rich old tomato taste. It has a smooth texture with lots of meat and few seeds yet it is juicy. Marianna's Peace is said to be among the finest tasting tomatoes around and we agree! Marianna's is one of our top all around choices. It's a true tomato lovers tomato. 20 seeds per pack $1.99

Matts Wild Cherry: 70 days, red, indeterminate. This is one of the original tomatoes that are indigenous to and grow wild in the Hidalgo region of Mexico. Fabulous taste with the sweetness of a cherry tomato combined with a big tomato taste- way better than Sweet 100. We literally could not stop snacking on them when harvesting! The fruits average between 1/2 to 3/4" with amazing trusses loaded with 35 to 40 plus tomatoes! They are very prolific and keep producing until frost gets them. Vines can reach ten feet tall! 20 seeds per pack

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Moskvich: Rare, 60 days. Medium red fruit from 4-6 ounces, indeterminate. Originates from the Kaluga region in Western Russian. A somewhat flattened shape and no cracking. Moskvich is extra early but you would never know it from the taste! No kidding! You have heard of  chocolate recipes like "death by chocolate?" We are dubbing Moskvich "death by tomato!" Yes, it is that delicious. The plants are remarkably healthy, disease free with heavy yields. Cool weather does not stop this one! It has been a customer favorite for many years. 20 seeds per pack

Mule Team: Round, red, indeterminate. 75 to 80 days. The "workhorse" of tomatoes! 10 ounce fruits with a great rich tomato taste and a bit of a bite. Mule team is a heavy bearing, strong plant and doesn't slow down until frost gets it. Really holds up to stress, dry conditions and disease. Also grows extremely well in hot, humid areas!  Excellent for canning and fresh eating. 20 seeds per pack

Nebraska Wedding: 85 days, orange, oblate fruit, semi-determinate. 4-5 fruits per cluster on plants that grow around 36" in height but they have good yields so do need staking. Perfect tomato shape with glowing orange skin and golden flesh. The texture is meaty with a great juicy flavor being both sharp and sweet. Excellent for salads, fresh sauces and salsas. Wonderful with a vinaigrette dressing. Legend has it that Nebraska Wedding seeds were given to newly married couples to help them start their lives and farm together. Heirloom from Nebraska. 20 seeds per pack

Opalka: 85 days, red, indeterminate. AKA the Polish Torpedo. Meaty, rich and sweet describe this heirloom paste tomato from Poland. It was brought to Amsterdam, New York around 1900. The vines climb with vigor, have good production and are an easy variety to grow. Growing in clusters of 2-5 at 4-6 inches long and shaped like a bull's horn. These cool looking fruits have a drier texture and few seeds making them one of the best tomatoes for canning, pastes and salsa. You can certainly enjoy them raw too. 20 seeds per pack

Orange Banana: 80 days, indeterminate. 3 inch long paste tomato. Smooth orange skin, meaty flesh with greenish shoulders. Wonderful flavor- sweet with a slight citrus undertone. Excellent for drying, paste, salads and fresh eating. Orange Banana is one of our top choices! 20 seeds per pack

Peron Sprayless: 70 day, medium, red, indeterminate. First introduced to the US in 1951 by Gleckler's from Argentina. Heavy producer of sweet fruit with slightly tart undertones. The uniformly shaped red slicers average 6-8 ounces on 7 foot vines and are notably rich in vitamin C. Sounds good, but what about that name? We have found that Peron Sprayless is true to it's name as being one of the most disease resistant tomatoes and it has few problems with insects. It's not perfect but you will be impressed with it's vigor. Try it and watch it out perform the hybrids! 20 seeds per pack

Pineapple: 85 days. Red and yellow streaks, beefsteak, indeterminate. Pineapple tomatoes are big boys, we had some that weighed in at 2 lbs! They average 16-24 oz. Very distinct taste that is fruity, low-acid and sweet with a smooth, silky texture. Suitable for eating fresh, salads and salsa. A beautiful tomato. Good yields for a beefsteak with very sturdy vines. One of our top sellers! 20 seeds per pack

Pink Oxheart: 75 to 80 days, indeterminate. Gorgeous heart shaped oxheart fruit that weighs in at 12 ounces and can get much bigger. Originates from Hungary and was first  introduced in the 1920's. This one has that true old fashioned tomato taste that many of us remember and long for. Pink Oxheart is a lovely glossy pink color and is crack resistant. It performs well in times of drought and bears well for an oxheart type. 20 seeds per pack

Plum Lemon: 72 days. Indeterminate. Introduced from the St. Petersburg region of Russia. Plum Lemon is known in Russia as "Limmony Liana" which translates to "Lemon Vine." Bright yellow fruits are truly lemon shaped, about 3 inches long and 4-6 oz. each. Very prolific. Unique citrus flavor. Collected by Seed Savers' Kent Whealy from an elderly seedsman at Moscow's Bird Market during August 1991. Meaty, sweet refreshing flavor. 20 seeds per pack

Polish Linguisa: 73 days. Indeterminate. Very large, red, long sausage-like shape, indeterminate. Polish Linguisa is great for sauces, drying and tastes so delicious it's great for eating fresh too. Fruits are large, weighing in at 8-10 ounces each and are quite meaty. It dates back to the early 1800's and came from New York via Polish immigrants. Very heavy yields and it keeps well when left on the vine. Off the vine green fruits ripen beautifully. 20 seeds per pack at $2.49 per pack

Pruden's Purple:  67-70 days. Large pink, potato leaf beefsteak, indeterminate. 12 to 18 ounce fruits. Some of our customers like Pruden's much better than Brandywine. It is not really purple but more of a deep pinkish color. They have a flattened shape and some have shoulder ribbing but are not prone to cracking! Classic brandywine like taste with a good tangy flavor and silken creamy texture. Meaty with few seeds. If you are a brandywine fan and garden where the season is short or not- Pruden's Purple is for you! Performs quite well in high heat areas. 20 seeds per pack

Purple Calabash: 80-90 days, indeterminate. This the same Purple Calabash as mentioned on the Splendid Table radio show! Medium size and one of the most truly purple tomatoes there is. Uniquely shaped being very fluted (almost ruffled) and flattened shaped fruit. They average about 3" across. Sweet yet sharp, rich, complex, wine-like flavor. Big harvests. Performs quite well in high heat areas. 20 Seeds per pack

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Red Currant Tomato: (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium) 65-70 days, indeterminate. The tiniest tomato- 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch red tomatoes! From South America, this tiny, berry-like heirloom is an abundant producer of hundreds of tasty tomatoes. It can get by on poorer quality soil and is somewhat drought tolerant. The flavor is far more than one could expect in this teeny package- sweet, crisp and a bit tangy. It's seedlings start out small so you want to start them early. It is resistant to many diseases like fusarium wilt, late blight, bacterial canker, wilt, and spotted wilt virus. Red Currant will grow tall and spread so it does need caging or staking. We have White Currant tomatoes which go perfectly with Red Currant. 20 seeds at $ 1.99 per pack

Rose: 75-80 days, large, indeterminate.  A wonderful Amish heirloom tomato from New Holland, Pennsylvania and another rival for Brandywine! Large, meaty, 10 ounce dusty rose colored fruits with little cracking. Strong healthy plants that resist disease and lots of leaf cover. 20 seeds per pack

Riesentraube Grape: 75 days, indeterminate, cherry tomato. An old German heirloom, Riesentraube means "giant bunch of grapes." First offered in Philadelphia around the mid 1800's. All the flavor of a beefsteak packed into the size of a large concord grape with a pointed tip. They are not sweet. These tomatoes cling to the vines when ripe and keep well. Large plants produce massive yields, massive being an understatement. Excellent. 20 seeds per pack

Siberia:  45-55 days, 2-3 oz, red colored tomato, determinate. Siberia is a variety that originated in the Altai Mountains on the Chinese border from Novosibirsk, Siberia. Well-known for its fast ripening fruits, as well as being able to set fruits down to 38F. Siberia is a great variety for cold weather areas, or for growing tomatoes off season, even in winter. Oval fruits are borne in clusters on 2-2 1/2' tall plants . Wonderful taste for an extra early variety. 20 seeds per pack

Siletz: 55-60 days, medium red slicer, determinate. A real king in the cooler climates but a solid performer in hot areas too! Produces 8 ounce fruits with a deep red color. But what about good taste in such an early cropper? Siletz won't let you down with it's sweet yet earthy flavor. This is one for home and market growers alike. 20 seeds per pack

Silvery Fir Tree: 55-60 days, 2 to 3 1/2" deep orange to red fruits, slightly flat, oblate shape, determinate. AKA "Carrot Top Tomato." Acidic taste, very delicious. This is a Russian variety with pretty fern-like foliage that is a grey-blue with a silvery shimmer. This is a dwarf tomato growing to only 24". Although it is determinate once you have picked all the fruits let it keep growing and it will set another bunch. It is quite attractive and is fine for containers or hanging baskets! Perfect for the small space gardener. Start them at intervals so you can have a longer harvest! 20 seeds per pack

Snow White Cherry: 68 days, pale yellow cherry tomato, indeterminate. Very productive, super healthy plants. Sweet, crisp, juicy, great in salads and for snacking off the vine. Snow White Cherry is perfect for making chutneys and sweet relishes. A real treat for cherry tomato fans and one of our all time favorite cherry tomatoes at Golden Harvest Organics! 20 seeds per pack

Click here to order

Stupice: (stoo-PEECH-ka) 60 days, red, round, small 2-2 1/2" fruits, indeterminate but the plant is relatively compact. Stupice comes from the former Czechoslovakia. bears quite early but remains prolific till frost. Potato leaf variety, fruits have an excellent combination of sweetness with a zing and are quite juicy! Surprisingly Stupice performs quite well in cold and high heat areas. 20 seeds per pack

Tommy Toe: 70 days, bright red, cherry, indeterminate. Tommy Toe hails from the Ozark mountains and is a practically disease free cherry tomato. Excellent, sweet flavor with incredible yields. Good resistance to early and late blight. This is a superior heirloom cherry tomato. Has been the top choice in many cherry tomato taste tests. It is our favorite cherry tomato! Stand back and watch this one grow. 20 seeds per pack

Did you know? On a gram for gram comparison, cherry tomatoes contain more lycopene than large tomatoes.

White Currant Tomato: (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium) 70-75 days, indeterminate. Fruits are berry size at 1/2 inch or less. The color is a translucent off-white with subtle yellow undertones. The tomatoes grow in long heavily laden clusters. The taste starts off with a good tang from the juice and finishes with a nice sweetness. They do not need salt as it seems to kill their flavor. They are firm and juicy. Plants can get huge so staking or caging is a must. The seeds are tiny. 20 seeds at $ 1.99 per pack

White Oxheart: Extremely rare, 80-85 days, indeterminate, pale creamy yellow, heart shaped. What a stunning tomato this is. It is the only white fruited oxheart we have ever seen or grown. It has the drooping, wispy foliage typical of oxheart plants yet the yields are terrific and the plants are tough. Size and shape can vary somewhat on these but large 1 lb fruits are common. This is a low-acid sweet tomato with a bit of a tang and very meaty with a smooth texture. We had to carefully dissect every single fruit to hunt down the few seeds they contain. Absolutely delicious and worth your time to grow.  15 seeds per pack at $2.99 per pack

Yellow Stuffer: 76 -80 days, indeterminate, large golden yellow fruits that are similar in shape and structure to bell peppers! Hails from Australia. Yellow stuffer bears medium to large, long, scalloped, nearly hollow fruit with sturdy walls and thick, moist flesh. They weigh from 4 to 8 ounces. You guessed it- good for stuffing and a terrific slicer too. These plants bear profusely and definitely need support. Also known as 'Gourmet Yellow Stuffer'. Fun to grow and just think of the recipe possibilities! Serve your salad in your tomato or stuff and bake them. We grilled them this season and they were super. Good for market growers and chef's love them. Yellow Stuffer earned our new Honorable Mention rating at the 2008 taste test for uniqueness, versatility, "wow factor," good taste and incredible yields. 20 seeds per pack

Veggies and Salad Fixings

Arugula, Slow Bolt: 45 days Hardy annual. Plant produces beautiful dark green leaves, flowers are edible and it is high in protein and vitamin K. This a very hardy plant. Use in dips, soups, salads, salsa, and sandwiches. It has a nutty spicy slightly peppery taste. Can be grown from early spring to late fall and is slower to bolt than other varieties. Plant Height: 18" tall. Approx 500 seeds at $1.89 per pack


Bean, Royalty Purple Podded: 55 days. First introduced by the Billy Hepler Seed Company in 1957. Striking purple pods, lovely purple flowers and green foliage with hints of purple on the stems and petioles. They are a stringless bean measuring 5 to 6" long and have a slight curve to the pods. The bush type plants grow from 18 to 24" tall. When cooked the color changes to a dark green. Will germinate in cool soils and tolerate growing in light shade. They are delicious when used raw in salads or for dipping. Beautiful when planted right in the flower garden. Yellow and blue flowers go well with them. Mexican bean beetles do not bother Royalty Purple and it is also resistant to common bean mosaic! 50 seeds at $1.89 per pack


Beet, Blankoma: 55 days. Attractive, large round, white roots with faint green root tips and tall, solid  green tops. The pure white flesh is tender and  sweet.  Blankoma is one of the best for baking, salads, cooking, freezing and pickling. They are especially desirable because they do not bleed, stay tender and the greens are certainly tasty! An excellent keeper for fall storage. Beet roots are also a good source of iron, potassium, magnesium and an excellent source for folate. Approx 100 seeds at $1.99 per pack

Beet, Golden: 55 days. Golden beet is an heirloom dating back to around 1820. The beets are a glowing, golden-yellow and very sweet with nicely flavored greens too. The leafy greens are light green with yellow veining. Like Blankoma it will not bleed and they are beautiful mixed together on a relish tray or pickled. Grate them raw for salads. For a different and yummy treat try roasting beets then mix them with chopped pineapple or try them with segments of blood oranges and avocado slices drizzled with a simple vinaigrette. The beet greens are rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, A, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6. Golden is a long time favorite around here. Approx 100 seeds at $1.99 per pack

Carrot, Amarillo Yellow: 75 days. Bright, intense yellow roots with large shoulders that taper down. They are nice, juicy and crunchy with a distinctive sweet taste. different from orange carrots. Fine for any raw carrot use and superb for cooking. We have found Amarillo to be one of the finest stewing and roasting carrots we have grown. It keeps a nice carrot taste yet nicely picks up the flavor of your broth or spices. Makes great carrot juice and freezes well. Can withstand dry conditions. Approx 300 seeds at $1.99 per pack

Carrot, Atomic Red: Coral-red color, 9 inch long roots. Atomic Red is at it's peak flavor when cooked it becomes a deeper red with a smooth texture and mildly sweet flavor. Atomic red is a high lycopene carrot. Lycopene containing foods are absorbed more readily by the body when foods are cooked.  Tapered roots are 9 inches long. They sure are pretty too! $1.99 Approx 300 seeds at $1.99 per pack

Carrot, Bolero: 73 days.
Deep orange with a rounded tip, 7-8 inch roots. Quite sweet, juicy and crunchy without a trace of bitterness. Bolero is dual purpose for long-term storage and fresh eating. They have aggressive top-growth which makes for good weed control in the rows plus they have a smooth skin and are easy to wash. Bolero is great for juicing and roasting. Resistant to Alternaria blight and powdery mildew. Approx 300 seeds at $1.99 per pack

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Chard Bright Lights: Hardy annual has stalks and leaf veins of white, gold, yellow, red, hot pink, purple, orange, and magenta-white striped growing to approximately 2 feet tall. The colors just radiate with a luminescent quality. Beautiful to see, wonderful to eat and can be used in ornamental beds or grown in containers too. They will keep on growing through the heat of the summer. Chard likes full sun and loose, fertile soil. They can be grown year round in milder climates. In colder zones chard will live through several frosts. You can use them like spinach and the crisp succulent stalks are great in stir fries! We even like them raw in salads. $2.49
Approx 75 seeds at $2.49 per pack

Cucumber, Boothby's Blonde: 63 days, whitish-yellow. Grown for five generations by the Boothby family of Livermore, Maine. This  heirloom cucumber is short, chunky, not seedy and oval-shaped with a creamy texture and contrasting black spines. The skin is very tender so no need to peel! The flavor is rich, sweet, never bitter. It is best picked when in the 3 to 3.5" range. It can be used for both fresh eating and makes delicious pickles. Cucumbers just don't get better than Boothby's Blonde. 25 seeds at $1.79 per pack

Cucumber, Diva: 58 days, slicing cucumber- needs no pollination! Diva has a crisp, clean, sweet never bitter flavor when harvested at the 4-5 inch length. The skin is thin and does not need to be peeled. The high yielding plants are gynoecious (self-fertile, all-female blooms) and parthenocarpic (fruits grow without pollination). Diva is resistant to scab and is far more tolerant of powdery and downy mildews. The foliage is not bitter which means it far less attractive to cucumber beetles. An AAS Vegetable Award Winner. 20 seeds at $2.49 per pack

Cucumber, Miniature White: 50-55 days, small, white to pale yellow. We will attempt to describe just how wonderful these little cucumbers are. They are sweet- never bitter, need no peeling, are crisp and perfect. In fact they are so delicious it is hard to get them from the plants to the kitchen without eating them! The plants have small vines that stay around 3 feet in length, can be grown in a small space or grow in containers. While the plants are small the yields are not. Keep picking the fruit before they reach 3" in length and they keep putting on more fruits. Use them just like any other cukes. They do make super pickles but we recommend that you use white vinegar, not cider vinegar to keep their delicate color. 30 seeds at $2.49 per pack

Garlic Chives, Hardy Perennial (Allium tuberosum): 60 days, zones 3-9,  grows 10 to 12 inches tall. Garlic chives resemble common chives but have flat shiny blades and pretty white to green flowers. They have a subtle, rich garlic flavor  and the whole plant is edible, the flowers are delicious. The plants do  produce small bulbs that can also be eaten. The flowers bloom in mid-summer. They can take full sun to part shade. You can grow them indoors to have them handy for using raw or cooked. Garlic chives are delicious in salads, omelets, pizza, herbal butters and vinegars. They freeze well. Garlic chives are attractive for borders and in the flower garden. Perfect for companion planting. Approx. 100 seeds at 1.79 per pack

Gourmet Heirloom Lettuce Mix: Our delicious blend of looseleaf and butterhead heirloom varieties. Royal Oakleaf, Yugoslavian Red Butterhead, Amish Deer Tongue, Cos Types, Bronze Arrow, Speckles, Speckled Troutback, Red Ruffled Oak, Green Devil's Tongue & more. Oh the wonderful, eye pleasing salads you can make with this seed mixture! Plant in full sun to part shade. Can be planted anytime the soil can be worked. Plant new seeds every 3 weeks to enjoy all season. As soon as 2-3 leaves have formed thin the plants 8-10" apart and include the baby greens you have thinned in a salad. As the heads mature you can pick outer leaves as needed for longer harvest or harvest the whole head. Approx. 500 seeds at 2.49 per pack

Gourmet Mesclun Mix: Our wonderful collection of mild and spicy greens of differing color, texture and flavor. Can be planted anytime the soil can be worked. Great for a fall crop. Harvest young for a ready made salad of baby greens or allow to grow on for a more substantial harvest. Our premium mesclun mix includes a variety of leaf lettuces, arugula, spinach, mizuna (a Japanese mustard green), endive plus Bloomsdale spinach. Approx. 500 seeds at 2.49 per pack

Melon, Honeydew, Orange Flesh: (Cucumis melo), 98 - 105 days. Orange Dew produces 5 lb melons that have orange colored inner flesh similar to a cantaloupe with a smooth waxy exterior and a small seed cavity. You may have heard these delicious beauties called "Honeyloupes" or "Temptation Melons." They are very sweet with a crisp yet velvety smooth texture. When ripe they have a thick pale yellow to light orange rind and the stem end will yield to slight pressure. They have the best flavor when harvested at full ripeness but they will ripen off the vine at room temperature when picked at half-slip. If you are in zone 4 or warmer you can grow these succulent melons. To save space they may be grown on a sturdy trellis or trained on cages. For a real treat try some melon salsa or a melon daiquiri with Orange Honeydew! Photo shows both orange and a green honeydew for comparison. 30+ seeds at 2.79 per pack

Pepper Sweet, Jalapeno Fooled You: 65 days, F-1 hybrid. This is a jalapeno that has no heat (capsaicin) yet it has all the smoky rich flavor of the traditional jalapenos! If you can't handle hot peppers then "Fooled You" jalapeno is for you. We have been  growing them for several years and we just love them. The peppers are a bit larger than regular jalapenos. They have thick walls and are 3 1/4" long by 1" wide with glossy forest green skin maturing to red. Plants grow about 2 feet tall by 18 inches in width. They are easily grown in containers but will yield more fruit when planted directly in the garden. 20 seeds at 2.59 per pack      

Pepper Hot, Slim Cayenne: 75-80 days. Cayenne Slim is a long, thin, fiery hot pepper which is high in vitamins A and C. The Scoville rating is 3,000-5,000. The peppers are about 1/2" wide and grow 5" to 6" long. The tapered fruits have a crinkly skin that turns from dark green to fire engine red when mature. Plants grow from 22" to 30" or more with an equal spread and produce well. They can be container grown. Drying them is easy as can be with their thin walled fruit. Great for for fresh eating, hot sauces, pickles, Thai recipes, drying, ristras and to make ground cayenne pepper. 30 seeds at 2.79 per pack 

Pepper Sweet, Diamond: 80-85 days. Sweet and crispy with thick walls. The plants grow 2 feet high and have 4 lobed slightly tapered bell peppers that turn from translucent white to pale yellow and will become scarlet red when left to mature long enough on the vine. However they may be used at any color stage without sacrificing flavor. Use Diamond bells for salads, sauces, stuffing, or cooking. We also find them great for freezing and roasting on the grill. 20 seeds at 2.79 per pack

Pepper Sweet, Golden Treasure: 80 days. Large pepper from Italy measuring 1.5 to 2 inches at the shoulder tapering to a point at 8 to 9 inches in length. Sweet crisp flavor with a medium to thick flesh. They begin as green peppers maturing to a shiny golden yellow and are very attractive. Definitely one of the top peppers for frying and in our opinion the best for fire roasting. Delicious for salads and they make fantastic chili rellenos. 30 seeds at 1.50 per pack

Pepper, Sweet Pickle: We were so impressed growing and eating these little peppers we wanted to carry them for you. Most ornamental peppers that are edible are HOT but these are not. These tiny beauties grow in shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple all at the same time. They will all ripen to red. The plants grow 12 to 15 inches in height and width. You can eat them fresh or use them as you would any sweet pepper. Like their name they do make perfect pickled peppers. Grow right in the garden, mixed planters, hanging baskets or containers. We recommend a minimum 10" inch pot for container growing. Sweet Pickle is a long time favorite with our customers and us too! 30 seeds at 1.99 per pack

We offer only varieties that meet high standards for you!

Radish, China Rose: 27-55 days. Delicious winter radish! First grown in the US around 1850. Originally from China where where seeds were carried to Europe by Jesuit missionaries. It can be grown as a summer radish or sow in August to harvest in fall for a winter storage radish. China rose has delicious green leaves with red stems 5" elongated roots with bright rose-colored skin and firm flesh- ideal for fresh eating and make darn good pickles. The seeds are great for sprouting too. Approx. 200 seeds at 2.49 per pack

Radish, Easter Egg: (Heirloom Mix) 28 days.
Easter Egg Radish features a nice array of pink, red, rose, lavender, scarlet and white radishes with white interiors including: French Breakfast (slightly elongated), Purple Plum, Philadelphia White Box, Scarlet Globe and Ruby. The colors have great appeal with medium-green tops that reach about four inches in length. Don't forget you can eat the leafy green tops too, they are delicious! Approx. 200 seeds at 2.49 per pack

Radish, Watermelon: 28 days. For summer to fall planting. Watermelon radishes are an heirloom variety of the daikon radish. When sliced they look just like a watermelon with a green rind and  magenta interior. The flavor is peppery but more mild and sweet than most radishes They grow from 2-4 in diameter depending on when you harvest them. They are versatile, use them raw, roasted, in stir fries, saut�ed, stews and for pickles. For something different try them boiled and mashed. The leafy green tops are great for salads or cooking. Approx. 200 seeds at 2.49 per pack

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Spinach, Bloomsdale Long Standing: 50-55 days. Hardy annual. Bloomsdale can tolerate temps down to 15-20 F and may be overwintered with protection. History: Bloomsdale spinach was originally introduced in the USA by D. H. Landreth & Co. (Philadelphia) in 1826. Bloomsdale Long Standing was then developed in the early 1900's by Zwaan and Van der Molen, Voorburg, Netherlands. Bloomsdale Long Standing is an old time heirloom favorite. It is a dark green full savoy-leafed spinach. It can be planted in spring or fall. Longstanding means it can withstand some summer heat and is slow to bolt. Sweet buttery flavor with tender leaves and high yields- a cook's delight! Good resistance to powdery mildew and a vigorous grower. Approx. 250 seeds at 1.99 per pack

Squash, Black Fustu, Winter Storage: Rare, Japanese squash. 100 days. The fruits are somewhat flat on top with a round body and heavy ribbing. Very unique and beautiful. The dark green to almost black fruit will naturally turn a glowing chestnut color in storage. The flesh is a deep gold color and has an amazing rich, sweet taste of hazelnuts. Fruits average 3-8 lbs. each and each vine gives a heavy yield. Black Futsu has excellent resistance to insects. Black Futsu will make a squash lover out of anyone! 20 seeds at 1.99 per pack

Squash, Red Kuri, Winter Storage: 90 days. Originally from Japan. Red Kuri squash has an orange-red skin, a few faint peach stripes and a slight teardrop shape. The vines have good yields of 3 to 7 lb squash and are reliable croppers even in cool, short seasons. The skin is of medium thickness and easy to cut. The flesh texture is very smooth and creamy, with a slightly sweet, savory chestnut-like flavor. Red Kuri is rich in vitamin A and calcium. Perfect for baking, mashing and it gives exceptional taste and texture to soups, purees, frittatas etc. Makes a great pie! 20 seeds at 1.99 per pack

Squash growing tip: Protect ripening winter squash from rotting on damp ground by placing boards or wax paper under them.

Squash, Sugar Dumpling, Winter Storage: 90 days. Easy to grow semi-bush vine takes up less space and bear 4-6 green and ivory-skinned striped fruit with smooth honey sweet flesh. These 1-2 serving size squash have a flattened round bottom  with a fluted teacup shaped top. Very good resistance to powdery mildew and easy to grow. Culinary uses are many- bake them, stuff them, boil, mash, puree, use in soups, they even make good dried "squash chips."  They require no curing for storage and will keep for 6 months. 20 seeds at 1.99 per pack

Take a look at our seed starting tips for some interesting advice

Planting Dates for hot Zones

For gardeners in zones 10 and 11: You can continue to plant out tomato seedlings through late September to early October in the warm fall-winter zones. Choose varieties that are less than 68 days to maturity.

In the super hot summer areas of Arizona, Texas and similar regions, you have 2 distinct growing seasons: March through June, and September through December.


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