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New Jersey Weed Gallery

Photo of Aster. Welcome to the New Jersey Weed Gallery, a collection of photos and descriptions of weeds found in New Jersey. Click on an index below to begin browsing our gallery.

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Weed Control Recommendations

The most frequent request we receive is for control recommendations. We cannot provide that information on this web site. Weed control recommendations that are appropriate for New Jersey may not be appropriate for someone living in another state. Recommendations for homeowners are considerably different from recommendations for commercial enterprises that have access to chemicals whose purchase and use require a pesticide applicator's license. There are a lot of variables in the weed control equation and without detailed information it is difficult for us to provide satisfactory recommendations.

We suggest that you contact your Cooperative Extension office in your state to obtain control recommendations appropriate for weeds occurring in your geographic location.

New Jersey homeowners please refer to Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) fact sheet FS119, Weed Control in Home Lawns for more information on weed control.



Original Photographs and Image Descriptions:

Dr. John Meade
Weed Scientist Emeritus
Dept. of Plant Biology & Pathology
Rutgers, The State Univ. of NJ
59 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8520

County Offices:

[Find Your County] Need more information about photos and descriptions of common weeds in New Jersey?
Contact your Cooperative Extension county office for answers to your questions.

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