trilobiteWelcome to the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology!

The KUMIP collection is ranked among the top 20 largest fossil invertebrate collections in the country and has over 850,000 fossil invertebrate and microfossil specimens from all over the world, including more than 6,500 type or figured specimens. These specimens have been used for research by paleontologists for over 120 years.

Please use the navigation bar to the left to explore this web page.


What's New

September 15 , 2008: Talia Karim, of The University of Iowa, has been hired as our new collections manager.

August, 2008: Former post-doc, Jon Hendricks, has accepted a position at San Jose State, as assistant professor of geology.

March 3, 2008: Visit the new "Utah's Cambrian Life" exhibit by clicking on the banner below:




KUMIP Website Last Updated: March 7, 2008

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© Copyright 2008. Division of Invertebrate Paleontology, University of Kansas.