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"Avant-Gardening is a creative process, a technique for growing
personal creativity using plants as a medium to connect
the garden outside to your inner-garden visions"

"The Acts of Today are the Destiny of Tomorrow."

" You Can Grow ! "

Learn How To Design and Grow Your Own Sustainable Organic Garden!

Learn How To Design and Grow Your Own Sustainable Organic Garden! copyright by giannangelo farms southwest
by Frank and Vicky Giannangelo

A four-section CD with extensive Sustainable Organic Gardening Information, Planting Techniques and Garden Design,
Inspirational Sayings, Quotes, and Poems, Garden Photos, An Introduction to Avant-Gardening,
" Seeds of Inspiration " - a compilation of Seasonal Essays, and more!

All CD ROM'S include both PDF and Microsoft Word Formats

You can Purchase a CD by sending a cashiers check or money order
for $10, which includes shipping in the USA.
Please contact us for shipping charges outside of the USA.

Mail checks to:
Vicky Giannangelo
Giannangelo Farms Southwest, PO Box 732, Ramah, NM, 87321.
Orders will ship ASAP via the postal service.


Section one: " Basic Organic Soil Building Techniques "

As we learn to sustain and maintain our soil with resource conserving techniques we learn to sustain ourselves. Organic soil building, the importance of microbial activity, sustainable gardening, water conservation, mulching, and easy composting.

1. Introduction to Soil/Soul Building
2. The Only Difference Between the Soul and Soil is "U and I"
3. Organic Soil Building Techniques
4. Types of Soil
5. Soil Needs
6. Long Term Soil Requirements and Needs
7. Composting for Sustainable Gardening
8. The Clarifier*

“ ...a gardeners relationship with the soil can be a spiritual relationship…”

Section two: " Planting Techniques and Garden Design "

True planning, when and how to plant, planting patterns, transplants, visualization, bio-diversity,
seeds, garden design, plant response to aesthetics.

1. Introduction
2. " True Planning " and the Principles of Garden Design
3. Site Selection and Improvement
4. Tools and their Uses
5. It All Starts with a Seed
6. How to Plant
7. The Art of Watering
8. Pests, Disease, and Weeds
9. Plant Response to Garden Aesthetics
10.The Clarifier*

" There is a symbiotic relationship between you and your plants - to grow a good garden is to grow your self in the process. It all starts with a seed. "

Section three: " Seeds of Inspiration "

Timeless lessons about gardening, life, gratitude, optimism, and spiritual growth. Celebrating life with garden photos, words of wisdom, poems, and quotes - a light along the way , sowing of those little seeds of inspiration, through which we might be able to find, and trust, a process of discovering our own creativity by connecting with those forces that allow us to express ourselves in our own unique way.

1. Introduction       11. Happy New Year
2. Layering Layers       12. Garden Visions
3. A Garden of Memory       13. Progress and Creative Pleasure
4. Gardening Ourselves       14. Avant-Gardening
5. The Dancing Hatch       15. Alchemy
6. Fluxion to Grade       16. The Only Difference
7. Precious Harvest       17. Balance
8. Partial Perspectives       18. Shifting Creativity
9. Baby Steps       19. Universal Patterns
10. Stick to the Trail      
11 .The Clarifier*

Section four: " Introduction to Avant-Gardening "

Developing your connections to potential, understanding your personal creativity,
and how to recognize the moments of creative opportunity.

1. An Introduction to the Clarifier*
2. Avant-Gardening/Growing Creativity
3. Creating Connections with Potential
4. Replication
5. Steps in Creativity
6. Botany Basics
7. Plants and Their Meanings
8. Fruits of the Avant-Garden
9. The Clarifier*
10. The History of Giannangelo Farms Southwest

*The Clarifier is meant to be both an educational tool and a verbal compass.
The media tells us what words mean in the present, and so it becomes necessary
to look to the past to re-connect with that lifeline of work/knowledge/meanings
that are found in our Latin word roots.

Website designed and maintained by Giannangelo Farms Southwest
Feedback? Comments, questions, suggestions?
contact us
Created by Frank and Vicky Giannangelo, copyright (c) 2001-2008 by Giannangelo Farms Southwest

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Biodiversity and Genetic Engineering    New Mexico    Companion & Intensive Planting     Permaculture
Labyrinths    Free E-Letter    Xeriscape     Photo Tour I    Photo Tour II    Photo Tour III    Photo Tour IV
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