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"The proof of evolution lies in
those adaptations that arise from improbable foundations."

Steven J. Gould

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Can help us to understand organic gardening and how plants function.
Botany is a branch of biology that deals with plant life.
Botany is the science of plants - the collecting plants for the study of plant life
Botany is the biology of a plant or plant group.

THE PLANT KINGDOM PLANTAE is one of the five kingdoms
that are used to classify all living things.

is between vascular and non-vascular plants:

NON-VASCULAR:  the more primitive plants such as mosses
lack conductive tissue for circulation of water and nutrients.
These reproduce by roots, shoots or spores.

VASCULAR:   plants include both flowering and non-flowering plants
the vast majority reproducing by seeds.

are divided into two groups:

GYMNOSPERM  (produce naked seeds that are only partially
enclosed by tissues – conifers being the largest family).

ANGIOSPERM (produce a covered seed in an ovary
a protected chamber that forms part of the fruit).

are divided into two forms:

DICOT: which have 2 seed leaves, a network of veins on the
foliage and flower parts in multiples of 4, 5, 7, or more

MONOCOT:  which have a single seed leaf with the
veins running parallel. The flower parts are arranged in threes.
one of the sustainable organic perennial gardens and the one of the bird feeding areas

of flowering plants:

MONOECIOUS:   the flowers are either male of
female, but borne on the same plant.

DIOECIOUS:   the male and female
flowers are on separate plants.

BISEXUAL (hermaphrodite):   each flower
contains both male and female organs.

three types of life spans:

ANNUAL: completing their life cycle in one season of growth.

BIANNUAL: living two seasons – the first - storing
food, the second - flowering, fruiting, and dying.

PERENNIAL: living for many seasons.

are divided into two groups:

HERBACEOUS: soft stemmed perennials that die
back to the ground in winter and grow again in the spring.

WOODY: trees and shrubs – perennials that lose their foliage, but
retain their stems and grow foliage again in the spring.

two types of root systems:

TAPROOT: one main root going deep into the ground.

FIBEROUS: these have a complex root system
spreading from the base of the plant.
one of the sustainable organic perennial gardens and the one of the bird feeding areas

have two functions:

PHOTOSYNTHESIS:   a chemical reaction to produce sugar in the form of glucose from carbon dioxide (C02) and water (H20). Glucose allows for the production of cellulose, and starch (a later supply of energy that is stored in the plant’s cells). The first leaves gather energy from sunlight, which is necessary for Photosynthesis.

TRANSPIRATION:  a process that carries minerals to leaves where oxygen and water vapor escape through the stomata.

"Every individual alive today, the highest as well as the lowest, is derived in an unbroken line from the first and lowest forms."

August Frederick Leopold Weismann

TED - Technology, Entertainment, Design - an annual conference bringing together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives - watch the best talks and performances.

Watch Michael Pollan's - The omnivore's next dilemma

Resources and Databses
Dave's Garden: Guides and Information
Planet Natural
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Fertile Garden
Harmony Farm Supply
Extremely Green Gardening Company

Website designed and maintained by Giannangelo Farms Southwest
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Created by Frank and Vicky Giannangelo, copyright (c) 2001-2008 by Giannangelo Farms Southwest

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