Purdue Agronomy Purdue University Purdue Agronomy Extension Department of Agronomy School of Agriculture Purdue University


Welcome to the Corn Growers' Guidebook, a repository of resources about the King of American Crops! Within this site you will find both timely and timeless information that will assist you to grow corn more profitably.

PLEASE NOTE: Please report any quirks, broken links, "dead" images, etc. to your friendly neighborhood Extension corn specialist.

Looking for the latest update on Purdue's nitrogen fertilizer rate recommendations? Check out this article: www.kingcorn.org/news/timeless/NitrogenMgmt.pdf.
Looking for information on how to manage the challenges of continuous corn production? Check out this article: www.kingcorn.org/news/timeless/CornCorn.html.
If you are looking for the world famous Chat 'n Chew Café, then look no farther than www.kingcorn.org/cafe.
Searching for university corn hybrid performance data? Check out the University Crop Testing Alliance Web site.
Interested in heating your home with corn grain or biomass? Check out Corny Tools of the Trade.
Want to build a corn maze? Check out what others have done at Corny Culture - Corn Mazes.
Looking for smut? Check out the edible corn smut recipes at Corny Culture - Corny Recipes.
Need some corny ideas for your classroom activities? Go to the head of the class at Corny Culture - Corny Classrooms.
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© 1994, Purdue University
Have a good day! Comments or questions? Send Email to the WebSpinner of this page.
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