A comprehensive written respiratory protection program is required to assure that workers are provided effective health protection. (See Appendix II.)

Q: WHY is a formal respirator program needed?

A: A respirator program increases your chances of using a respirator correctly. Just like medicine, a respirator will only help you if you use it correctly. Also, OSHA requires a number of written program elements for all respiratory protection programs.

Q: WHO is in charge of the respirator program?

A: Your employer must provide someone qualified and knowledgeable in respiratory protection to run all aspects of the program.

Q: WHAT do I need to know about the respirator program?

A: The program manager should provide or post a set of written standard operating procedures containing information about all aspects of the respirator program. The procedures describe when, where, and how to correctly use and care for your respirator.

Q: SHOULD I see a doctor before I use my respirator?

A: Before you are assigned a task requiring the use of a respirator, and periodically thereafter, your employer must check your health. Not all workers must be examined by a doctor. A questionnaire may be used to determine if conditions or symptoms indicate the need for further evaluation.

Q: DO I need training to wear the respirator?

A: Yes, you and your supervisors must be informed about the necessity for wearing respirators and the potential risks associated with not doing so. This training should include at a minimum:

Q: HOW do I know if the respirator is the right size for my face?

A: You will undergo fit testing to identify a respirator that adequately fits you.

Qualitative fit test chamber

Q: CAN I check the fit of my respirator?

A: Yes, always check the facepiece fit before each use. Consult the manufacturer's recommendations, which are found in the packaging.

A fit test is a method used to select the right size respirator for your face. A fit check (see "Particulate Respirators" above) is a method to check to see if you have correctly put on your respirator and adjusted it to fit properly.

Q: HOW do I take care of my respirator?

A: The manufacturer's instructions for inspecting, cleaning, and maintaining the respirator should be followed to ensure that it functions properly. Cleaning, inspection, repair and storage functions may be assigned to each individual user or to a central office.

Q: CAN a respirator be used by more than one person? How often should it be cleaned?

A: Disposable respirators should be assigned to only one person and discarded if soiled or physically damaged. Replaceable filter respirators may be shared, but should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use (see manufacturers' recommendations).

Q: WHAT should I do if I have problems with my respirator or questions about the respirator program?

A: Your respirator program administrator should be able to address all your problems and questions about using respirators. If you need additional information, you can contact NIOSH at 1-800-35-NIOSH.

Q: IS someone checking to see if the respirator program is working?

A: Yes, the respirator program administrator should periodically check the program.

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