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IECA Chapter Leader Resource Center

Chapter Leader Resource Center

A Message From the IECA Chapter Director

Dear Chapter Leaders:

Welcome to your new and improved Chapter Leader Resource Center.

I personally want to thank you for volunteering to be a Chapter leader for IECA. I know that your time is valuable, and the fact that you choose to lead a Chapter shows your dedication to the profession and to IECA.

At IECA, we support you in your efforts. While only 40% of you used the previous Chapter Leader Resource Center on a regular basis, 100% of you said that you would use a new and improved version, according to a survey conducted last year. We listened and have been busily working on a new and improved resource that will help you do your job more quickly and more easily.

Improved features include user-friendly navigation and a better organizational structure. Our hope is that you can quickly and easily find the information you are looking for without having to waste time wading through lots of unrelated material. All related information is located under 9 broad headings on the left hand side of the screen, which include the following:

Need a sample Call for Nominations for your upcoming Board election? Look under the Chapter Governance section. Looking for tips on how to promote your upcoming workshop? Explore the Communications and Marketing section. What are the financial requirements for Chapters? Read the Legal and Financial Management section. The information you need about all of these issues and other matters should be easy to find.

Information and articles are continuously being added to the Chapter Leader Resource Center. We will work diligently with our Chapters to keep the content of this section fresh and diverse. The more Chapter content we can get from you, the better – provide samples of your materials so that your peers can learn from what you’ve done! Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Meg Tully signature
Meg Tully
IECA Chapter Director