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IECA Publications

Environmental Connection Editorial Review Guidelines

Current Issue Archives Instructions to Authors Copy Deadlines Editorial Review Board Editorial Review Guidelines

Content Subject to Review

All technical articles are subjected to a “double blind” peer review by at least two reviewers who are experts in the field. Manuscripts submitted with approval by an IECA committee or Chapter are not subject to additional review as they have already been reviewed and approved by the committee or Chapter. Industry and association news items are not subject to mandatory review, but may be submitted for review at the editor’s discretion.

Editorial Review Board

The Editorial Review Board consists of IECA members who are experts in the field, and have volunteered to serve on the board. Ideally, each Technology Section has at least one representative on the Editorial Review Board. If there are no volunteers from a Technology Section after two solicitation attempts, the editorial staff will solicit and appoint members to the board from the larger IECA membership.


Members of the Editorial Review Board work directly with the editor of Environmental Connection to ensure that manuscripts are reviewed in a timely and professional fashion. It is the responsibility of the reviewer to ensure that all manuscripts accepted for publication are technically correct, as well as rating each manuscript on quality, clarity, style and importance of the submission relative to the goals and objectives of IECA and Environmental Connection.

Completed reviews need to be returned to the editorial office within one week after assignment for review. If a reviewer is unable to complete the review within this time frame, he or she should notify the editor as quickly as possible. This timeline is critical to ensure publication of Environmental Connection on a regular schedule.

Reviewers will be provided with a review form that they will complete for each manuscript they are assigned to review. If the two assigned reviewers are not in agreement as to the correctness or merit of a manuscript, the editor may assign additional reviewers.

Because this is a double blind review process, reviewers will not work directly with authors to correct errors or omissions that are noted; the staff editor will serve as the liaison between the reviewers and authors. Whenever possible, authors will be given the opportunity to improve their manuscripts based on the reviewer’s feedback, and encouraged to re-submit the manuscript.


Individual reviewers will be acknowledged in each issue to which they contributed. The Editorial Review Board will be acknowledged on IECA’s web site (