Quality Preservation

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Clean Cotton: A Win-Win For Everybody
Cotton that is picked and delivered to the gin as clean as possible is a win for both the producer and ginner. By Amanda Huber, cottonfarming.com
NCC Bale Moisture Fact Sheet
Because NCC policy recommends moisture levels in cotton bales at the gin not exceed 7.5%, the NCC's Quality Task Force urges diligence be exercised to minimize the possibility of fiber quality deterioration due to excessive water and concentrated wet spots; this is a special concern with gins that use liquid spraying systems.
Prevent Lint Contamination
Protecting cotton fiber from contaminants can help preserve markets. This publication offers steps that can be taken to prevent problems with materials that can contaminate seed cotton and lint and result in blemished finished goods.
Just Build It: Seed-Cotton Storage & Handling in Modules
Since modules were introduced in 1972, their use has steadily increased. Today nearly all seed-cotton is stored in modules prior to ginning. Handling and storing seed-cotton in modules clearly benefits both growers and ginners by de-coupling the harvesting from ginning processes.
Just Tarp It: Selecting a Module Cover
Dimensions and characteristics of tarpaulins are important factors when selecting a module covers. Many varieties of cover materials and features available. Guidelines for choosing a covers are presented.